
Thank you for articulating this, I’ve felt this for a long time. And I’m so sick of the garbage “advice” I’ve gotten. A friend who I love and depend on told me that as soon as I loved myself the relationship would follow, which is something I’ve heard from a lot of people. Like, good for you, not only do you have a

Women, I think, get a lot of this pressure. Pressure to be in a relationship. Pressure to have a baby. Pressure to focus on family and making your spouse happy. Pressure to fit into society’s norms of beauty. It’s exhausting. Sometimes, we just need someone to confirm that it’s okay to let go.

This. So much this. Too often women (and other minorities) stand there, gut churning, knowing and feeling how wrong the situation is, how uncomfortable they are, but social pressure and peer pressure keeps them rooted to the spot, not sure what to do, and with no one they can call on for help, because the people

But also, nothing too butch, amirite!

When I was having doubts about my ex’s feelings for me, you’d be surprised how many friends, feminists, and family members tried to talk me out of my doubts. My parents were the worst of all. My ex didn’t help because when I brought up the notion that maybe he didn’t like me all that much and we should break up, he

I was just talking to my mom about this today. Girls are supposed to be accommodating. When I was in school-grade one- our teacher did a lot of leasons around inappropriate touch and how if any toucn makes you uncomfortable it is not ok and to tell an adult you can trust. I remember the example was a grandpa who was

These last couple of months have been brutal, but the last few days especially so for me. I’ve been remembering more and more incidents and ‘run-ins’ with the fellow that assaulted me prior to the actual event, as well as the immediate aftermath and the chaos that ensued for me. I’m sick, I’m stressing, I’m not

I can think of times in my life when my gut failed to pick up on danger, but I cannot think of any time when it warned me and I was wrong.

It helps* to remember that anyone who tells you to dismiss your gut is someone who makes the world accommodating for abusers and criminals.

And that right there sounds exactly like my Uncle’s garage. But god forbid you wore anything remotely sexual. You wouldn’t want people thinking you were a slut, now, would you?

We (as women) are so socialized to disbelieve or dismiss our guts. Even now, as a grown-assed woman, if I state a ‘nope’ position based on what my gut tells me, I get pushback from women as often as men. “I’m sure it’s not so bad!” “Give him a chance!” “But he’s Faaaaaamily.” You don’t even need to ask how often my

The second piece of advice after “run” is “but know that very few people will help you and those in power will actively make it harder.”

Because NFL football is faster, more violent, and more dangerous than college football. So there should be no problem whatsoever.

Okay, I’ll bite. What is a guy who was declared medically ineligible to play in college doing playing in the NFL?

I hope he’s lying on his deathbed, years and years from now, and his last thought is “I never. convinced. LooseSeals...”

Maybe you’re the only person he’s ever failed to convince of his absolute rightness?

He married the woman he dated immediately after me so great? But he has continued to bug me every now and then. I’m honestly not sure why. There’s nothing I can do for him. We dated for three weeks in 2006. He only knew a fraction of me, and I’m a fraction of 2006 me in 2017. A fraction of a fraction? Whatever idea he


Get PR people that can’t be cowed by the star’s star status.

I’m sure the act was pure generosity. That revelation years later? Seems odd.