Could he be senteced to a longest sentence than before? Here’s hoping for that.
Could he be senteced to a longest sentence than before? Here’s hoping for that.
Every time I see that picture I think of someone getting so stoned they turn into Michael Cera.
You do realize you’re including all the behind-the-scenes people. Make-up artists, set designers, camera peeps. Most of them probably really need their job and don’t have the luxury to pick and choose like a big movie star.
For #3: Funny, aside from Weinstein, I don’t see a hell of a lot of coverage of producers and executive power brokers. And, like it or not, theyre way the fuck more culpable for sustaining his career.
Yeah, I know it’s a hot take, and I get the impulse to lash out. I just think it’s stupid to be blaming women like Winslet and Gomez instead of the men financing his movies (who, statistically, are probably sex offenders themselves).
If only Selena Gomez had turned down this role, that sexual abuse that happened 25 years before she was born would have never happened.
See this is why they do it ... because they know they will not only get away with it but because they have clauses in their contracts to guarantee a large payout if they agree to a quick dismissal. If some poor slob does the same thing they go straight to jail. What did we teach young men just now? ... If you are rich…
More of a diatribe.
It’s not even eloquent enough to be a soliloquy.
Joe Scarborough. That Guy in every women’s studies class who has to interrupt and say some version of, “If more women used birth control, the abortion rate would go down!” over and over again.
“Let me finish,” he says, cutting her off. “Because we need to have this conversation.”
That woman’s not going to marry him. She’s already got the chin down gazing into the distance WTF look on her face I didn’t develop till Year 3. She still has time to get out. vomit vomit vomit vomit
How human of her. If nothing else convinces me of her humanity it’s that! Please god let there be a video of her saying that!
The way she fake-smiles after she says she feels positive. *shudders*
It scares me. I don’t like it. I’m so creeped out. I found a video of it talking.
I would like to create a child.
Not too surprised by this news. I think there were also rumours/reports from back in the day about her trashing Mark Salling’s car after she caught him cheating on her. Mark Salling is an ENORMOUS pile of shit for other reasons, but Naya’s got some aggression issues that I’m glad are being addressed.
The Saints must be using their owner’s own level of mental capacity as a litmus test for concussion.