
This casting is so perfect that it hurts and his mom’s “Don’t mess this up!” is kinda adorable.

HELL FREAKING YES! About damn time Kate gets her due.

Kieron, how much bribery will it take to make sure that Dr. Aphra stays alive after Vader #25 and that she then gets her own spinoff series? I know you always kill my favorites but maybe just this once?

I’m so bummed that Babs retired. She was always so awesome. :(

That’s an understatement.

A-Force was more towards the middle of my ridiculously large stack of comics that I’m behind on but I think I’m gonna have to bump it towards the top because of that panel.

I can’t believe you left out Mister Bones. He’s homicidal AND he dances!

THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You beat me to it.

I need it. Not for $800 but I need the precious.

This sounds ridiculous and awesome and I am so going to watch it.

Please please please please pleeeeeeeeeeeease let this happen!

I’m considering this indisputable proof that Alex has magical powers.

Basically it would be a crime if they didn’t do a musical episode at some point.

I’ve heard/said Christ on a Cracker before. (From the mid-Atlantic region) My personal favorite to say is “Jesus H Tapdancing Christ on a Stick”

I love you and James for that Star Wars name discussion.

Kris Anka’s designs can GET IT. (Even if they make me as a cosplayer cry a little because that man loves his seam lines.)

Nope! In one of the last few issues, Fenn Rau popped up and then he was in that Protector of Concord Dawn episode in Rebels that night.

Even more impressive: the Story Group did such a good job of coordinating things that they got something that happened in the Kanan comic to line up with the episode of Star Wars Rebels that very night.

Whoa he looks PERFECT in the one with the jacket :o