
In Soviet Russia, pokemon catch you. 

So not for nothing, but Peter is 23 in the game. 

Came here to say this. I thought a major plot point of the story was this was Peter many years into his career as Spider-Man. This feels like he’s early 20s tops.

I always felt like his model always suffered from a bit of old-face, but we didn’t need to dial it down to Tom Holland levels. I do think he looks way too young for the point in his life he’s at during the story.

I hate being negative on the Internet, but... yeah, I’m kinda with you on this one. It definitely has that Avengers problem, where the only characters that look good are the ones that either don’t look like their movie counterparts at all (Ant-Man) or just aren’t in the movies (Ms. Marvel).

Thanks, I hate it.

Except you forget Republican = hypocrite. The party of small government and local rule demands to be involved in the intimate decisions of a woman’s life.

Great the one who probably jills off to “A Handmaids Tale”. Awesome.

Let’s raise some money to bribe her husband to tell her to quit her job and STFU then.

Wouldn’t that same doctrine require her to refuse this seat because a woman can never be in authority over a man?

Hey third party voters/Susan Sarandon/people who didn’t bother to vote because of reasons aren’t you soooooo glad you didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton? You have to keep in mind that in every election the fate of the SCOTUS is at stake

It’s from a Tim and Eric video starring Paul Rudd, ‘Celery Man’. I’m 35 fwiw.

“General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience.”I always believed “system” referred to the console. I stand corrected.

I wonder if you can still use MAGA...

Notably have not banned ‘Nude Tayne’ who I played a round of Rocket League with. Strong pull.

So the difficulty here is really nailing down if the streamers’ toxic qualities come from being asshole streamers or asshole members of the Navy. Gonna have to chalk it up to both, I guess.

I was in the navy for 5 years.  Can confirm that this is exactly what the navy is like...

Intellectually stunted aggro white supremacists and murder junkies in the US military?!?? Next you’ll be telling me cops are like that, too...

Not only are they wasting taxpayer money building aircraft carriers that can't launch planes and planes that can't fly, they're wasting it playing games now

In for a dime, in for a dollar.