Nah dude, that’s how big the world universe is! Even IF travel was instantaneous (which it isn't even if it's portrayed that way) it would still take thousands of lifetimes for any civilization to fully explore every inch.
Nah dude, that’s how big the world universe is! Even IF travel was instantaneous (which it isn't even if it's portrayed that way) it would still take thousands of lifetimes for any civilization to fully explore every inch.
lol was wondering if anyone would catch that reference XD
I mean literally in the first movie New Hope, the crew spends time on the falcon going from tatooine to alderaan and they spend time doing things. The reason they dont show how much time it takes to travel between places is because it would be boring to do so unless the writers need dead time for character interaction…
Perhaps you don’t realize just how absolutely mind-bogglingly big space is and just how little, yet at the same time, how much there is in a universe. Even with instant travel (which it is not btw, hyperspace travel between planets still takes a bit), we still wouldn’t have explored even a tiny fraction of the universe…
I think I would have actually preferred a remake. Either ground-up or remade in the same engine and same graphics as Jedi outcast and academy.
Uh huh, what studies? Because the most populous areas in the US vote liberal. Conservatives would be out in the cold if the electoral college didn’t lend more weight to rural (and statistically conservative) voters.
See the problem with accusing companies of promoting liberalism and suppressing conservatism, is much of these things are by and large automated. Google shows liberal-leaning results because data shows that’s what people want. Chat gpt has left leaning bias because the people and conversations its pulling data from…
Yeah, that’s modding though. A fully kitted out campaign/dungeon builder would be better for folks who know nothing about modding.
The success of this is going to depend entirely on how easy/hard it is to abuse and whether actual humans get involved in reviewing reports/appeals and what data they have to go off of.
Wonder what other QoL updates they are working on. Would be nice to see a dungeon/campaign builder or more spells and subclasses.
The only way we get to mars that fast is if Russia or some rival power say they'll get there first. And Russia doesn't have the financial ability anymore after they threw it all away in Ukraine. Maybe China? If they can actually innovate a bit and stop stealing everyone else's ideas and inventions.
Double battles pushed the limits of what I was willing to accept in Pokemon games. Mega evolutions were kinda cool, but I wish all final-form evolutions got one. Everything else is rubbish. Kinda wish Pokemon would go back to a simple top-down, sprite-based game, but I’m one of the people who think Pokemon peaked at…
I mean, she was enough of a Jedi that the 501st under her command still turned on her during order 66.
ToTK and BG3 came out and are objectively way better games that buck modern monetization and grind mechanics in favor of strong story and/or gameplay. Coming out withing a few months of each other, it's not really a mystery why it's numbers have died. Heck, if they hadn't released first the sales may have been…
I thought companies learned their lesson in the 90's-2000's about going after individuals for piracy and that they were better off going after the websites that hosted pirated media.
They should develop and sell a hall-effect joystick and trigger conversion kit. Now that 3rd parties are selling controllers and kits, Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo no longer have any excuses. If they keep using actuators, they might as well admit they purposefully designed controllers to fail, so we have to buy new…
At this point, what excuse does anyone have to be still running a mechanical drive as their boot/install drive? I feel like you’d need masochistic tendencies to put up with that shit.
Might also be useful in teaching social skills to people like knowing when there's a time and place to say certain things.
Chat gpt is good in short spurts of text. The longer things go on, the less consistent it gets. It forgets or changes details and things stop making sense. This is because it can’t recall information from farther back than a certain word limit.
I would believe in the creative minds at WotC to use it ethically, but not hasbro and not corporate side of WotC.