I'm so sick of seeing children playing mature rated games. Parents would never let their kids go to see R-rated movies, but they are letting them play R-rated games. Fucking criminally negligent parents.
If you look at your comment, you have aggressively made assertions about Edge's writing having a pro-Sony bias without offering any links to example articles. I'm going to take any commenting you do on this subject with a grain of salt without corrorboration by another, more reliable commenter who can provide some…
Are you sure?
They've been castrating PC games because of consoles for years... I'm stoked to see the PS4 rip the Xbox One a new one... can't wait to see what comes of that. Haha
Not surprising at all. Microsoft still hasn't even shown us an actual Xbox One game running.
Invisible walls suck, GTA games typically take place on islands
People still plug their iPhones in and "sync" with their computer? How quaint... (LOL)...
I'm sorry that hardware impedes you from having fun. Sucks to be narrow minded I guess.
That's the idea. You supposedly will be able to remote play anywhere there is a wifi connection.
You must be confused. This is Grand Theft Auto.
How would it be a failure if it sells 10 million copies? Wouldn't that(not counting the extra money from the special editions) be like $600,000,000? More than double the budget?
I've had a Win8 laptop for some time now and I can honestly say the Metro interface is still my least favorite feature of Windows 8. I'd find this somewhat upsetting/disappointing if I were getting an XBOne.
Fucking both.
Maybe the fact they can't fucking deliver it—to their own "backers"—on day one? That's kind of amateurish, right? http://kotaku.com/late-deliverie…
He wasn't being an intern. I posted this higher up, but to paraphrase, an intern is an assistant. A lawyer's intern helps him do research, answers his phone when he is not there, and other things the lawyer would normally do. Likewise, an art intern helps finish a product, or colors in between the lines. An "intern"…
I just don't have faith in their hardware. My Original Xbox ended up being nearly unplayable due to a possessed DVD ejector tray and my 360 Slim got the RROD. I've owned consoles going back in years to the Intellivision yet Microsoft's consoles are the only ones that have crapped out on me.
It does not have access to the play store. Much like the Kindle tablets only having the Amazon Appstore, Ouya only has the Ouya store. the interface looks nothing like Android usually does. its its own interface. There are a number of emulators available though. PSOne, SNES, NES, 2600, N64, etc etc.
Here's the thing: The information is already out there, regardless of whether or not Lifehacker spreads it or not. Pandora's box has been opened. You can't make people "un-know" this information, and the people that were doing this before will do it again. Putting the information here is an informative process, and…
Isn't it facing the wrong direction?