
Yeah, that part kinda sucks, but it's Steam Greenlight, so what are you gonna do? Greenlight is kinda a cesspit these days, but on the rare occasions something really cool-looking pops up, I definitely want to draw attention to it. I think I'm gonna keep using the "Greenlight Spotlight" tag for that so a) people will

holy shit laptops are fragile pieces of shit, i had no idea

Oh you're one of those people.

Who the fuck gives a shit?

I can't speak for anyone else, but Bloodborne has my Xbox lovin' heart thinking about finding the cash for a PS4.

I think the PS4 has been selling just fine prior to this game.

Because that's how people talk these days, adults included. They're writing blog posts about video games, they're not trying to win a Pulitzer Prize.


Actually I'd say it's Youtube comments. Quite neck-and-neck with Tumblr, though...


Twitch has just been Google-fied. That just about sums this up.

I am against excessive DLC, money grubbing and corporate greed.
But I fucking Love Assassin's Creed. This is not Guitar Hero to me, I just can't get enough. And Ubisoft knows I'm not alone.
I am STOKED for AC unity, it looks GORGEOUS. And I am AGAIN stoked for ANOTHER title with a focus on Sailing. I loved the shit out

i'm more impressed by the composite shot of the train. that was nifty as fuck.

for shame, phil's actually been killing it these past couple of days. Getting into game theory and shit.

The ignorance of Kickstarter has been angering me since this thing blew up - people seem to think there is no legal obligation for these projects to make good on their promises, but in reality there very much is.

Yogscast is pretty much open for a class action lawsuit right now. And in all honesty, they deserve it.

my thought upon seeing the headline: "Oh cool, loads of people who don't understand speedrunning are going to complain about glitches... again."

These are from worst to best as in the OP, right?

Because it's shit compared to Melee.