PS Plus is only $15 FOR 3 MONTHS. So much cheaper than XBL and free games with cloud saves for all your games? I'm willing to pay that any day.
PS Plus is only $15 FOR 3 MONTHS. So much cheaper than XBL and free games with cloud saves for all your games? I'm willing to pay that any day.
Lets not forget about the bad ass stand
Gotta get on the Maya bandwagon ;)
I'm crossing my fingers for FF: Versus info, but I'm not going to let myself get letdown so hard this time
I've seen a lot already of "X1" , but shit Microsoft should pay you for Xbone
Didn't EA say the same "Oh it's always online because some processing needs to be done on the cloud's end to make things run smooth" with SimCity?
Made my day
Probably because Microsoft know's where to dish out the cash (if ya know what I mean)
It's not just kotaku, it was the whole bloody Internet. Go to IGN or Wired or Engadget, it was an absolute fail on Microsoft's end.
Right? With most full (current) games being around 15GB's each, what is that, like 30 games or so? Plus who knows how large these "next-gen" games will be. Might as well already start shopping for a new case to turn your current external HD's into USB 3.0
I kinda want there to be a "Fuck yeah, PC" option
I think you nailed it on the head. Those IP's need to be damn good. Something like when Halo 3 was released, causing consumers a sort of knee-jerk reaction to buy the system just for the thrill of gaming.
Not if yours is unplugged. Ima try this later ;)
What if you login to your XBL account at your friends? Or what if your Xbox craps out and you have to get it replaced? It sounds like it's more per console rather than your account.
The BF4 gameplay was running on a $4K gaming PC, and almost no gameplay was shown for Ghosts. I think it's a bit too early to compare
I wanted there to be an absolute kill-factor to make me want to buy a PS4 AND an Xbox. The TV Guide and voice-commands are neat, but definitely not going to make me hand over a hard-worked paycheck. I like that the PS4 is focusing more on the core aspect of gaming and expanding on that, rather than just trying to have…
The combo of an OR with the kinect would open up some possibilities too, more than a wii remote