
that would be fun for about 2 seconds

perhaps brain cancer isn't something to take seriously?

and i write in lowercase, wow.


i wonder if iphone 4s is as high a radiation phone as its predecessor (iphone 4: 1.17 SAR head, .43 SAR body)?

authoritarians have always made rules for us to abide according to the times we are living in, including the Bible, which i believe to be written by men with the best intentions, but using plenty of projecting from the idiosyncrasies and growing edges of that day and age. how i view other animals comes from getting

i don't know about you, but, i'm an evolved monkey, which makes me an animal. and actually we all come from the same source, we are all earthlings and we should respect the lives around us as we would want them to respect ours.

"Animals possess a soul and men must love and feel solidarity with our smaller brethren…the fruit of the creative action of the Holy Spirit and merit respect…as near to God as men are." His Holiness Pope John Paul II

"fox" "conn", isn't it ironic, don't you think (i'm holding off posting the alanis morrisette vid)

its funny how this can be viewed from all different directions. they are looking at the lives of every being on the planet as being equal, which as far as we know, with all the mysteries of life taken into consideration, we might as well look at us as all equal and be humble to the great mystery of who we earthlings

what about the SAR rating—is it the same as the other phones? apple's phones are very high in radiation. of course, you wouldn't know this, but this is the biggest priority for me with these usefully distracting devices.

and peta isn't forgetting that humans are animals, if anything they are pointing to it.

we have the benefit, now, of living in a world where fight or flight thinking (kill or be killed) is a fading prospect. this is giving us room to think about the suffering we cause and allowing us to cause less, or to certainly be conscious of it. for me i have very selfish reasons for being vegetarian, i would hate

who's to say what is self aware? this intelligence we think we have is the same in all earthlings, we just have no other "species" to argue with us about how special we think we are. we think because other earthlings can't communicate with us that this means they are disposable or dumb. we have no idea the

you are right that there are earthlings who are still in fight/flight mode, but we have the capacity to see what we are doing and know the hell we are causing other creatures. and we make the choice to do this? is this really what we want out of life, to slaughter other earthlings who just happen to be born, as far

peta is much more open minded than you are giving them credit for. in fact, isn't this conversation talking about how they are too open minded, for some, when it comes to the subject of the equal rights of all earthlings?

truth: i see us causing what i would consider to be hell for other earthlings. i see us making a judgment that they are less than us and therefore it isn't a big deal for us to consume them—imagine a giant that isn't able to communicate to us who thinks less of humans and kills us off at whim. the good news is, we

oh please, they have a good point. opposable thumbs does not give us license to cause hell for other creatures like we think it does. what if you were born with no way of defending yourself against self absorbed creatures who feed and clothe themselves with your flesh, or worse kill you for sporting "fun"? we are

b'52s are amazeballs