
you are right to bring this up, but for consideration's sake, from a 2005 webmd article: "...studies on the effects of marijuana and tobacco smoke suggests that the cancer-promoting effects of these ingredients is increased by the tobacco in nicotine and reduced by the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) found in cannabis.

#3 (cancel account, specify they not gather info from car)

if they were an honest company, they would give 3 options:

oh cool, and they are based where i live. is this an ad?

we've come a long way since prohibition!

yeah chromeo is frickin awesome, i heard from a friend who goes to columbia university that he teaches (taught?) french there and that everyone wanted to be in his classes.

i second that

looks beautiful coral

um, yeah, these look mainstream. surprised to see this as one of gizmodo's headline stories seeing how low-ball it is.

same page-although i didn't work for a meat packer (wow!) i saw the movie earthlings, i was borderline vegetarian before that but that put me over the edge (i couldn't finish the movie). i'm now reading "eating animals" by jonathan safran foer. leaves me feeling like there is so much ignorance to wake up to! i'm

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i thought i could just be lazy and string together words like "ipad" "apps" "no camera" and somehow it would all come out true—now i know that you are there to check me on my falsies.

i love how amazon is pooling all this press, calling this a half priced ipad. what it looks like you get is less than half of what you would get from an ipad. no android apps, no camera. these things are pretty important. otherwise, this might as well be portable media player. but, i mean, even the ipod touch has

so crazy that netflix stock has lost 1.1 billion of worth in one day as a result. they should have offered more.

follow antibiotics up with probiotics, otherwise you'll be hating it, from what i understand. the probiotics restore the stuff you've got going on down there to help you digest—and health begins with digestion. i haven't taken antibiotics in 10 or so years, i'm saving it up for something big that will hopefully

logo much?

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i totally agree, ical and address book in lion are designed kind of ugly. i don't get it. they can't take a computer like a macbook and shove it into the aesthetics of a consumer toy. we are business people damn it! something about the designed quality of the look and feel reminds me of windows too. like they

me loves my cintiq for this reason—its frickin awesome to turn photos around and stuff. but i guess this is a little different, oh wait i see what's going on, back to art...

me neither on my mac, is this an ios thing?

help prevent sinkholes, don't drink water

to search google for google is like loving love