
Kyrie better be careful - if they keep streaking like this, they’re bound to run right off the edge.

My favorite one of these has to be Bob Allen.

TBF, it’s hard to maintain a solid marriage with someone named Beth1027.

Equifax is now tweeting that freezes are free until Nov. 21, which the NYT reported earlier while Equifax was still tweeting that the freezes were free for 30 days. As soon as we have confirmation, we will update.

She openly used and reported using this drug to officials for ten years. She wasn’t trying to hide anything. Then they decide to ban it and low and behold she fails a test for it days later.

She’s a goddamn cheater. The prescription for Melodium is supposed to be for 3-6 months, Not 10 years.

Still not convinced it isn’t lupus.

First, let me say I appreciate you lending your expertise in such an eloquent and illuminating response.

So I’m pretty sure Steve Kerr has been suffering from a non-healing cerebrospinal fluid leak that was a complication from his spine surgery. Its not common, but they do happen from time to time during spine surgery. Typically, a stitch or two and lying flat for 24-48 hours does the trick. When it becomes a chronic

These layoff announcements are getting more and more sudden.

Uh, they’re on Twitter, making tweets. They aren’t the victim in a crime or the perpetrator of a crime, so why hide their identity if Twitter doesn’t?

No, no! He wasn’t making a sexual innuendo. He was directly expressing his disapproval that a female was receiving an education.

Even off the course, Murray is committed to the idea that the lowest score wins.

Conservatives may be quiet, but their tweets speak volumes.

It’s pretty admirable how he’s able to keep a positive mindset like that, I hope that’s true and not just trying to put on a brave front.

With any luck, he’ll soon forget which team he played for.

Now playing

Brakes ? Where we’re going, we don’t need brakes...

The clear exception being: if your parents tell you not to race at the Isle of Man, you should probably listen to them. Riders still regularly perish there.

If I were a parent, I would tell my children not to race on the street.

for me personally... when im the one riding.. its huge fun.. when im the one holding on for dear life hoping the rider knows what he/she is doing.. its terrifying