Chandler Marlowe Targaryen

Remember when Steve Forbes hosted during his campaign? That was weird. He was like a robot.

Now THAT'S a Star Trek!


That Daredevil is pretty funny. Blind, wears a costume, nearly gets killed every time he fights.

Not a people person? What is the deal with that?

He works on his vacation, unlike Trump.

Ha! That potato is talking! And he's crazy!

100% flozzum jozzum! RUDY!

Skibbity Flop, Theoooo! (canned laughter)

Things got worse while you were gone! Oh boy!

(Canned laughter)

"So I'm off the hook, right?" - Chris Christie


“Now I’m free. I’ve got my hands back on my weapons”

He doesn't even drink! He should probably start.

Jeff Goldblum dressed as his cowboy character from Buckaroo Banzai?

Robert smashing things with a hammer got him on the Iron Throne.

You forgot to fart and fall through a table! It's what the people want.

(crickets chirping)

It might kill him.