Chandler Marlowe Targaryen

He's old, obese, doesn't exercise, eats high cholesterol food, and apparently doesn't sleep. And didn't his father have Alzheimer's? None of these things are good for a President.

I've only seen Longmire and GLOW.

He had a nightmare that he was a Nazi.

Wouldn't that make him a SAD! LOSER! TOTAL FAILURE!

Whenever Robert E. Lee is not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Robert E. Lee"?

Robert E. Lee “saved America”

I wouldn't want to offend the little S.O.B.s!

It's in the Lowe Hole!

Un fucking believable.OH!

Andrew Dice Clay?! Come on, Colbert.

That oughta hold the little S.O.B.s!

He'll bust this case right open!

The theme song to Martin was just a person saying Martin over and over.

He might choke on a chicken bone and the protestors are the last thing he hears.

He said there was candy in the van!

Seriously, an entire SWAT team and a tank to stop a guy suspected of cock fighting. And they killed the roosters they were supposed to be saving.

Never forget that Arpaio hired Steven Seagal to play soldier(and allowed Seagal to destroy a house with a tank.)

Matt LeBlanc played one of Kelly's boyfriends, and then they brought him back a couple episodes later to introduce this spinoff. Then they did another spinoff which dropped Joseph Bologna to focus solely on Matt LeBlanc and it got quickly cancelled too.

Top Of The Heap, the short lived spinoff of Married With Children!

That's why the Noid disappeared. He found out and got whacked.