Chandler Binge

It’s easy to be snarky here but I agree with the larger point. Arab people are seldom treated with empathy in AAA shooters. That’s the point the interviewee was trying to get across. Indie games are taking huge strides in that direction, though, and I hope that this trend reaches the mainstream at some point.

We really have a long way to go as a society until the traditional male role ceases to be a controlling dickbag obsessed with power dynamics. These celebrity lawsuits are extreme, criminal examples, yes, but I feel like every man out there has some toxic masculinity to reflect and work on. That obviously includes

Wait, was Norman Lear... WOKE!?!?!?

Can’t deny that it has some serious “I played a lesbian on TV” energy.

Textbook narcissist. What a manipulative piece of shit.

I watched two minutes of Barbie, followed by three minutes of Oppenheimer, followed by two minutes of Barbie, and so forth, as the filmmakers clearly intended.

Damn. I thought I had grown out of GTA over the years, but this looks extremely appealing to me. Crossing my fingers that it has a decent single player experience, since I have zero interest in online play and microtransactions.

I played it on my 2DS. Noticed a few instances that were clearly meant for the 3D effect but never felt hindered by not having access to it.

Congratulations on your laziest listicle yet! I was expecting at least a small quip about each host but you managed to slither even under a bar this low.

You will be hearing from Michael Bublé’s lawyers.

At least he and Kissinger won’t meet if heaven and hell actually exist. RIP.

Video games are a hot-button issue these days. Discussions on the topic can get heated and controversial fast. Better to only allow comments on wholesome and unifying stuff like skin color.

Talk about a cum back story!

In hindsight, I would like to offer my sincerest apologies to the Marvel community. Schlong Giganto sounds more like a Star Wars than a Marvel character. But I’ve never been one to throw out a medium first draft.

One day Marvel will tell the story of Schlong Giganto. And when that day comes, he will be there.

Fuck off with that mandatory jail time shit. What purpose does it serve? I’m all for revoking drunk drivers’ licenses though. If you can’t act responsibly, you shouldn’t be allowed to pilot a death machine.

Glad we’re finally getting to play the Lost Levels after only having a port of Doki Doki Ellie for the longest time.

Now playing

I can see her working with Lynch. She’s known to deliver great soundtrack work.

Encanto was only a couple years ago.