It’s hard to say they’re just pushing the agenda when there are white nationalists INSIDE the government dictating an agenda. Outside or inside they’re one and the same.
It’s hard to say they’re just pushing the agenda when there are white nationalists INSIDE the government dictating an agenda. Outside or inside they’re one and the same.
The morality of it is obvious. Her statement undercuts the narrative that the opposition will spin about it being too expensive for tax payers when the current system and everything that came before it actually is.
Except it’s true that Medicaid for all has the potential of cutting costs and streamlining bureaucracy over time, so Harris has a solid point. And, it shows that she’s looking at the idea of single payer from a standpoint of fiscal responsibility, which she needs to do if she hopes to drum up support from moderate…
I’ve thought about Botox and decided against it. If I don’t look angry and tired all the time people might try and talk to me more.
You know what’s kind of crazy, or not considering who we are referring to, is that Donald has not really mentioned the people of Houston or its surrounding areas. He mentions Harvey a lot, he mentions the city of Houston a lot, but he does not mention the people (other than crowd sizes). There is no empathy or…
I really do wish I could say I’m shocked that he made his response to a terrible natural disaster about himself, but, well, here we are.
Tacky, bourgeoisie assholes.
We had a talking parrot when I was a kid and they are so incredibly smart. He would yell “shut the door” whenever anyone left the house and learned to count in English and Spanish from watching Sesame Street with me. His language skills were incredible and he actually adapted and learned. My mom hated him and always…
Agreed. My original joke was in.....questionable taste.
Murderer Fingered By Parrot
You’d think all the money Texas saves by banning abortions, keep transsexuals out of bathrooms, and making sure you can walk into TGIFridays with you AR-15, they would have enough money to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
Right? I don’t understand how one person can be that charismatic.
Of all the things happening, this is the one that crushes me the most. It is unfathomable to exile a young person from the only country they’ve ever known. I’ve traveled a lot and lived in a lot of different countries but if I was told I could never come home again... it’s just inhumane, good choice of word. Being…
I have employees who received work permits under DACA.
Woman in black looks like she’s trying hard to smile while keeping from barfing and shitting at once.
He looks like one of those MRAs who likes to call women “fat” and feels he deserves a tall, thin, blonde no matter how little effort he puts into his own looks.
“How To Get Impeached” by Donald J. Trump