I’m too nauseated by the presidential results so far to be unreservedly happy for her, but I’m happy for her.
I’m too nauseated by the presidential results so far to be unreservedly happy for her, but I’m happy for her.
OMG. Florida is way too close and Trump is gaining in NC. I’m about to cry then hit the bottle.
This is fucking hilarious.
I LOVE that she never says Trump’s name. I feel like that’s her own bit of shade, like he doesn’t deserve to have his name come from her mouth.
It was *just* enough that every woman watching knew.
I lived across the street from Mt. Hope cemetery for 5 years. Both Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass are buried there; I could see Frederick’s grave from my bedroom window. Living in such close proximity to their memorials made me think about my place in the world - and how I might improve it - every day. I…
That sounds brilliant! Can I come?
I’m drinking old-fashioneds and smoking a big fat joint. I’m working from home on Wednesday, because I planned ahead for my hangover (caused by jubilation or despair... TBD).
Oooooh I am having a lil potluck get together tomorrow night, heavy on the lady friends, hostess provisions as follows.
I recommend you hang the wine bag from an IV pole and mainline it.
I know, I’m half joking/half guilting all my friends and family who ask what I want for my birthday or what I want to do. I’m like, well....go vote for Hillary and I will be happy! Easiest gift in the world!
I was considering bringing the box o’ wine right into the living room but I’ve reconsidered because I think the trudge back and forth from couch to kitchen will help expend my nervous energy.
I don’t know how much has changed since my Army days but back then (mid to late 90s) classified documents/materials/information was not relayed routinely by email. Hell even printed information was sometimes encoded. I suspect that even today classified information of a critical nature is not emailed willy nilly and…
There’s nothing to indicate that these were Clinton’s emails.
The truly amazing thing about this whole campaign (and the 30 years that preceeded it) is how a woman who independent and impartial analysis rates as “somewhat better than the rest of ‘em”, with a 30 year record of public service in which her worst verifiable transgressions are “changed position on various social…
I love how the alt-right claims the Obama-Clinton Illuminati disappears people and induces heart attacks in enemies like Andrew Breitbart, but suddenly become bumbling nincompoops when facing Trump.
I don’t pray often being agnostic but I pray to everything holy for this shit show to just be over. If Trump becomes a martyr I am going to kill whoever is responsible twice.
If only they could have called Reno 911!