Chancellor Puddinghead

Jesus, Real People was one of my formative TV memories (meaning it was one of my formative overall memories). I wonder what Sarah Purcell is up to these days?

I remember seeing Martin Mull in an HBO special, and the subject if Fred came up. Martin relayed a story about having to go to a public appearance with Fred, and Fred was 20 minutes late, whe he asked Fred why he was late the response was “ I was sitting naked on the bed in my Hotel room and the maid came in, FINALLY.

Damn it, two comedy legends in the same week. That fucking sucks.


No, vegans are the worst is the correct take. 

Hold on... Let’s not be hasty. Has Morrissey weighed in yet? He might tellitell us it was really The Globalist Jewish Conspiracy.

There is no defence of these off-colour remarques. He wrote a cheque his butt couldn’t cash at local shopping centre!

This is 2020. More people listen to a TikTok user than to me and my MSc in Clinical Microbiology.

People who get their information from videos are what is wrong with society. They need to learn to shut up, and nobody should watch any videos they share or recommend. I’ve noticed a direct correlation between dumbassery and getting information primarily from YouTube. My working theory is that reading is relatively

He was Bad Company until the day he died.

no it isn’t. these stories are just clickbait. it’s not a moral decision to report them.

1. It’s a typo. Nobody gives a shit.


TL;DR  How did this guys mom inspire Soup Nazi?

There are classes being taught in Elementary school these days that could easily be titled “If You Saw it on the Internet It’s Probably Bullshit”. There’s hope for the future. 

My aunt got my uncle one shaped like a Coors Lite can for his 65th birthday because he has horrible taste and loves Coors Lite.  There was like a half inch of fondant on it, very realistic looking but super crappy as far as cake goes.

It’s the kind of icing that you get on heavily decorated cakes like this. It’s not really meant to be eaten, the texture is sort of like edible rubber:

Fondant. It’s basically icing if icing was made out of spackle.

Gotta say the waterglass one looks pretty neat but I bet it doesn’t look half as good irl.

In his defense, Harvey Weinstein always looked like an old man’s scrotum.