Chancellor Puddinghead

I know. I was following up with Buster’s response to Carl Weathers’ insistence that he and Lucille 2 were just two consenting adults getting a stew going.

You know, a little bit of reheated whoop-ass spread on some flat bread, with a few chopped herbs and some grated parmesan is a delightful snack.

Austin 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life!”

[chugs beer]

Wait... That’s not right.

I’ve spent more money this year on my cats medical bills because he gets constipated than I have spent on myself in general in like 3-4 years combined.

Five Rambo screenings there tomorrow...

Well deserved because I know first hand that Tom has killed more men than Cecil B. ever did.  

I don’t want to talk about your weird sex things.

To me he’s always going to be Tex, the racist plantworker trying to nudge bigotry along in Fernwood on Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman. It’s obviously not his biggest role, but he definitely turned a fairly cartoony side character on a satirical soap opera into an entrancing presence with a surprising amount of depth. Once

Pam Grief was the original bassist for The Germs.

She’s had a fairly underrated career. She went from child star, to teen star, to young adult, to mature actress with no real breaks or transitional points along the way. That’s hella impressive and I’m glad she’s actually being recognized.

Oh, he’s very popular, Ed. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, Bloods, waistoids, dweebies, dickheads—they all adore him. They think he’s a righteous dude.

Now, do you mean the rapper Jimmy Buffet or the hard-drinking cheeseburger enthusiast?

I’ve seen Hughes respond to people in the comments a few times, and even acknowledge needing to go back to fix factual errors in the articles. While I’m still not a fan of his writing, this sort of humility makes him at least better than Barsanti. (Perkins interacts with the commenters sometimes too, and that

Dowd still believes in us.

I don’t know Mickey. Sounds like you insulted him a lil bit.

I’ve done my share of home demo. It happens.

Lauren Lapkus’s description of Carol’s bond toward the ZG character reminds me of one of my favorite bits from Community.

These kind of fake documentaries, or documentaries that mock the idea of documentaries themselves—I don’t know if there’s a better term for this—”

Did they let her sit down at all during filming, or was that not possible because of all of her butt piercings?