Chancellor Puddinghead

On Rennsday there is no beer

But we do have to applaud the genius idea of “Rennsdays.”

Oh no the area around Groom Lake itself is already restricted airspace. You can find youtube videos of some idiots trying to penetrate “the box” around the airbase only to get radioed my the air force to turn around and you see the F-16 come past their little private prop plane.  This is a wider temporary restriction.

Because they test aircraft there. That’s it. No aliens. Enough with this dumbfuck meme that never really had to stop being funny because it never was in the first place. Your mom knows about this dumbfuck meme now, and she thinks it’s hilarious. This dumbfuck meme is probably being used somewhere right now to sell

And plural for “y’all” is “all y’all’s”

I still wish we could invent singular, gender-neutral pronouns. Yes, “they” and “them” are perfectly acceptable, and I’m not one of those assholes who’s against their deployment in this regard. But using them (the pronouns) to talk about them (a group of people) or them (a single person) requires an extra degree of

Sambo’s. Over 1100 locations in 47 states.

There was a restaurant called Sambo?!

Okay, but what is the endgame of “they did this 100% on purpose with the plan to fire him at the end”? Just for news stories about how they’re stupid? To seem like the good guys for firing him? They don’t because they hired him to begin with.

Hey Shane. I know you created a burner account to comment on that other A.V. Club story on you. I want you to know that I’m Chinese, and I think the things you said about my people and my culture are really, really shitty.

Never seen that, but now I want to.

i always get a chuckle out of the “HELF” strip.

That’s nothing! I dressed up as a skinny dork with a lazy eye, ill-fitting clothes, thick glasses and an already receding hairl{/bursts in to tears, flees room}

Scarlett Johansson is pretty upset that she still didn’t get cast for this part even after she shat herself in the audition.

You are probably 100% right.  

That was a very impressive feat of sustained sarcasm.

As an aside, even for the Internet that’s a fast discovery. Fast enough to make the “irrational conspiracy theorist” part of my mind wonder whether maybe someone’s been keeping that clip in their back pocket to use against this guy.

Whatever. But damn, how perfect was that Hannah Gadsby impression at the bottom of this article? She totally nailed both her delivery and the overall pretentiousness of Nanette in the span of a minute or so.

Yeah but there’s only one winning strategy: get the orange spaces.

It’s supposed to be terrible. The whole point is that once someone gets enough a monetary advantage that they will eventually win.  It teaches why Monopolies suck.