Chancellor Puddinghead

/while everyone is arguing, palms cash from the bank

It’s always funny when you tell people you like board gaming and they say “Like Monopoly”. Monopoly is a terrible game. It far to random and it goes on forever.   I’d guess that less then 1% of Monopoly games are official finished.  Most the time they go till half the table storms off in frustration. 

it looks like if you turtle it makes him come later. if you have time on you might never get him. I could also be wrong

Me, too.

Dowd’s recent piece about IT and his childhood was like a blast from the past. It was a well written piece, for sure, but I remember a time when every piece on this site was actually about something and not just the most shallow drivel possible. 

I’m not old, but I still don’t get the constant sniping on the Beatles. I know as a millennial I’m supposed to hate a boomers, but this obsession with tearing down all things from the past along with them is just not an idea I can get on board with. It’s myopic, immature and frankly, pretty boring. Plus, stupid shit

And that is a crying shame.

No, you’re not just old. I mean, some of these are presumably ironic (maybe?), but the “The Beatles are overrated” morons/trolls are a particularly tiresome species.

I know I’m just an old but I’m so sick of tin eared contrarian dip shits dragging the Beatles.

There are like 50 songs that would make a better national anthem than the star spangled banner

Michael J Fox? Is this serious, or a joke flying over my head? 

Stu was held in two government facilities. First the CDC in Atlanta then another in Stovington, VT. His escape from the degrading situation in Stovington is one of the scariest scenes in the book.

The main point is that Paul is an insufferable dickhead and people should seize on any opportunity to mock or insult him. This is a perfectly decent one.

Also, I’ve read The Stand at least a dozen times. Who the fuck is “Cobb”?

Skarsgård seems like yet another misstep in The Stand’s casting, which has been all over the damn map.

God, the tone of this website can be exhausting sometimes. 

A smaller menu was the key to McDonalds success decades ago.

I’m getting more than a little sick of AV Club’s clear gayageum agenda.

Are there smakes on this Plame?