“Smash TV meets Bloodborne” may be the kookiest pitch I’ve ever heard that made me say OH MY GOD I WANT IT NOW
“Smash TV meets Bloodborne” may be the kookiest pitch I’ve ever heard that made me say OH MY GOD I WANT IT NOW
“ ..well I play a Maine Coon , specced heavily into shedding , but I hear the Domestic Short Hair is getting a buff soon..”
Yup, definitely not how it works.
Fallout but with a spooky baddie.
I think you’re right about that. Maybe the first book could work but for the rest a Soulslike would be too limited. Maybe Fromsoft can keep doing partnerships with authors after Elden Ring and we can get one set in the streets of Lud. I wouldn’t want to see King invent a new world for the game. I’d probably still buy…
Alternatively, you could make it a kind of modern-day version of Oregon Trail - you play a plague survivor who has to lead a group of survivors from the East Coast to the safety of Boulder.
The final battle felt like an early 80's video game to me: Crimson King throws things at you while you use cover to advance! Last long enough until the King is erased then go to the next level and do it again!
A community college creative writing course prompt is what that is right there.
The Dark Half Hour (half of the game is also dark)
That's kind of what The Surge is like, isn't it?
I was thinking of Miyazaki for The Dark Tower series. There’s a weird medieval/Western setting, ambiguity aplenty, lobstrosities, maggot ridden cyborg bears, crazy AI trains, the works. The only problem is the damn guns. But he could make a shooter I like if anyone could.
It's very gross and while I'm not a lady it feels more invasive than just a dick would even be.
That was pretty good and fucking awful.
Do the whole awkward asterisk action based flirting now. In case you need some mind numbing, fear inducing, second hand embarrassing examples here is a link - https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/the-guys-who-slide-into-dms-with-creepy-asterisks
Everyone who responded to you is over 45. Awesome. Gen X sci-fi TV was the craziest sci-fi TV.
~ Mark Zuckerberg’s mother and father, Aug 14th, 1983
Setting M*A*S*H in Afghanistan will solve the problem of the show lasting longer than the war.
I made those noises once in the past twenty or so years that I can recall, after a friend’s psycho (thankfully now ex-) girlfriend “accidentally” pulled back too hard on a Petzl while I was coming down from a wall climb and dropped me on my ass from more than a few feet up. Landed so hard on my butt with my legs out…
Nobody knows the classic old-school av club memes any more
When you someone Australian man eat shit