I’m from Jersey but I live in Georgia. I still keep a scraper in the trunk.
I’m from Jersey but I live in Georgia. I still keep a scraper in the trunk.
You think water’s fast? You should see ice. It moves like it has a mind. Like it knows it killed the world once—it got a taste for murder.
You think water is fast? You should see ice. It moves like it’s got a mind. Like it killed the world once and got a taste for murder.
Yeah, as a general rule, big, fluffy-looking mounds of snow always makes me think, what’s buried underneath?
Time between impact and when brother says “Are you alright?”: 22 seconds.
Magic is a terrifying movie. Anthony Hopkins was terrifying before he became Hannibal.
“In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. ... Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter…
“I Have A Black Friend”
Biden 2020: Remember Obama?
Biden basically responded with, to paraphrase, “Listen to the meaning, and not all those pesky details,”
If seven-year-old me could live through this trailer, kids today can withstand a goddamn It poster.
Exactly, the only person in clown make-up hiding in his closet waiting for him to turn off the lights my son has to be afraid of is me.
Pff. That child is soft and weak. I watched Pee Wee’s Big Adventure with the Large Marge scene pretty much every day as a kid and that’s the way I liked it.
Maybe they thought Billie was short for William.
“Truth Hurts” marks the first time a female solo artist has achieved a No. 1 hit since Cardi B.’s 2017 staple “Bodak Yellow” and, according to CBS This Morning, makes Lizzo the first Black woman to achieve the honor in 2019.
Well, how can I possible compete with one second hand anecdote from [checks notes] Kristin Stewert?
I never really liked the whole “only actors who are exactly similar to some fictional role” should be cast thing. It is different if it is a biopic based on a real person (and even that is debatable), but it is a remarkable stretch to get all worked up over some fictional property. The entire job description of actor…
He is his own thing!
I’m a huge fan of the book but man I was so disappointed in part 1, this news doesn’t surprise me.