Chancellor Puddinghead

Dont forget to remove my posts after you make screen shots of them,  you male coward.

It’s also worth mentioned that Laserdork is a shill who clearly gets paid by Gizmodo to harass people. Its also worth mentioning that Laserdock will never actually be a woman, has no womb, and his parents will use his real name when they bury him.  

You’ll never be a woman.  You are nothing more than a mockery of nature’s perfection.  Everyone laughs at you behind your back.  

I barely understand pop culture anymore. With a couple minor exceptions, I don’t hate any of it. I just....don’t care about it anymore, I guess. I dont get excited about new shows. I haven’t seen a Doctor Who or any new Star Treks. I lost track of Marvel around Iron Man 2. I still haven’t seen Revenge of the Sith.  Thi

Well, you thought wrong. I know you so damn well that I figured out who you are just by reading your anonymous posts on AVC. You hate wrestling so much, I can literally watch you turn to an icicle at the mere mention of Koko B Ware and The Bushwackers.

Actually, it’s because you have this extreme distaste for pro wrestling that is almost palpable. You’d probably like the franchise quite a bit if you weren’t such a wrestlephobe.

You either agree with the bots and commies here, or you get insulted and reported.”

Why would you come to a bullshit tabloid run by communists and smooth-brained hacks and complain that they publish bullshit tabloid articles and communist propaganda? Did you think the commies here don’t realize they traffic in low-tier yellow journalism? Did you come here for reasonable discussions? They literally

I’m not afraid of you at all, shitstain.  

As a qualified platinum trophy and killer of Beasts, I’ll give you one spoiler free tip: Don’t Get Hit. Its sounds trite, but unlike all the other Souls games, Bloodborne is all about the dodge. You can try to grind it out and build up echoes and find armor and Hunter Tools and use the big weapons, but it won’t matter

I imagine as long as Jerry and the rest don’t actually appear, it can be considered parody.

And to think I lost another part to Faison.

I too am anxiously awaiting the return of Mojo Jojo. Mojo Jojo has been missing for a long time, and his imminent return is causing me to be anxious. When I list the things I am anxious about, Mojo Jojo’s return is on that list, and that list has Mojo Jojo’s Return at the very top!

Start collecting physical media, fellas. You might not care about WWE, but they’re coming for your favorite show next, and there is literally nothing you can do to stop them.

You’ll never pass.

Yes, but only because Doctor Who traffics in the very best of cheesy Sci-Fi pseudoscience. It’s not that I think that the sunglasses were particularly stupid, rather, it’s that I hold Doctor Who to a much higher standard of stupid.  Sonic Sunglasses is incredibly lazy for a show that waves off entire plot points with

Perhaps they could just pick the school up midseason and move it back to Minnesota without telling Zach. Worked on Haley Mills.

Oh sure, and that’s what stopped me from giving up so much earlier. However, I cannot think of a single Doctor reveal more cringe than Punk Rock Doctor and the Sonic Sunglasses.

I stopped watching Doctor Who at the phrase “Sonic Sunglasses”.  I can’t imagine there is anywhere left to go but up.

It’s 2020. You must know by now that none of these people have opinions based on evidence. Just blind hate. That’s why they think they won America by electing an octogenarian White guy and a fucking cop with absolutely zero sense of irony.