Chancellor Puddinghead

It’s nice to come back after several weeks to see people are still coming around to the fact that Barsanti is a clown, and his endless attempts to be O’Neal come off as hackneyed at best.   

Good one.

What else was the point of this article? There is zero evidence of any COVID spikes related to it. There was a concerted effort to keep people separated. All we have here is a two second clip of a crowd posted by someone who wasn’t even there and a bunch of links to old AV Club articles, and that’s all you people need

It only seems that way because this used to be a pop culture website and not a faux-political propaganda\crappy Gawker replacement written by hacks.  Wanna talk about TV?  I bet you’ll find I haven’t changed that much.

Whatever. They had fun. It was probably a good show. Some people go out for fun. Others prefer to tattle on their neighbors and judge from their couches. Takes all kinds.

I have it for the Switch too. Sadly, I have one of the bum controllers and it makes things lame. At least my PS4 controllers work, and have the added bonus of being far more resilient to violent attack after dying at Cuphead again.

Firstly, it does have difficulty settings at the beginning of the boss fight. They just happen to be “hard” and “fuckin hard”.

It’ll never happen.  Berkner had Lois Lilienstein murdered to cover that up.  

This is possible.  I was 8.  The idea that I was even watching a television network that didn’t begin broadcasting until 8pm on a school night is pretty fantastic.

A. Not already knowing something doesn’t reduce the relevance of said thing. A fun fact about me: Everything I know, I looked up first.

I genuinely believed it was Elizabeth Perkins this entire time.  

The flaw in this meme is that Flex Tape works.

They’ll finish the COVID plot, but the show will somehow keep going. 

Of course not. It was the 80s. Nobody believed jet fuel would melt steel beams. It was a more innocent time.  

I remember when she was the snarky receptionist on Duet. Even then, I said to myself, “I bet she’s a mean boss who yells at her employees. I hope she never gets her own talk show and also we should invest in repairing the levee systems in New Orleans before a large hurricane devastates the region and leaves thousands h

You can’t cross the border right now, so he’d have to do battle with the Canadian Border Patrol first. And the border between the US and Canada is, not one, but TWO moderately wide ditches that no mortal man could jump over.  

I hope there are lots of scenes with doctors in lab coats staring pensively at test tubes of blue water.

I often forget that reality television is largely MTVs fault.  

Yep. Why wouldn’t he? Outside of the clowns, it’s just an old busted out Thunderbird.  

$350? Hmmm....that’s a pricey voice mail message. Hope all my creditors enjoy it.