
4.) She doesn’t actually have it. But it puts a face on the illness that can be used to motivate the populace without the worry that the actual government leader has been compromised. It also gives him a personal stake in the solution, which plays well.

Mine too. At three, the could dump me in my room with a record player and He-Man figures and I was good for hours.

I’m not pivoting. It was the original point of my post. The one you’re not addressing at all. In fact, you are the one who has a hazy definition of who doesn’t need the extra $1K. You clearly know someone shouldn’t get it, but you can’t tell me who. You can’t give me an income level. That means it will go into debate.

As a (barely qualified) Xer, yeah, I will. But I also remember that when Bush sent the stimulus checks I was in no position to spend that on frivolities.

Long term UBI has a ton of problems. I think at it’s core it’s a great idea, but feel like it’s a regulatory nightmare.

Exactly. And let’s not kid ourselves, there’s going to be some sort of huge bailout (way more than $1K) for the people we’re concerned are going to undeservedly get loose change as part of this stimulus.

How are you defining less needy?

And the other big thing, is for people like you and me or are working from home, could use that money to support the businesses that are going to be hurting during all of this.

Whatever floats their boat would help too.  Once this is over, going out to dinner or hell, buying comic books will help the small businesses that are about to get crushed.

If you had an extra $1,000, what would you do with it?

What’s appealing about the “ALL adults” strategy is that it would eliminate all the red tape and bureaucracy. If it goes to someone less needy, it will certainly help stimulate the economy. If you start putting conditions on it, negotiations will begin, and those who need it the most will wind up having to pass drug

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I don’t think the Bernie voters in question were every in the fold. The Bernie voters that were already Democrats most likely voted for Hillary. It was the Independents who most likely did not have a political allegiance that didn’t cross over.

And that platform appeals to crappy people. This is the same party that booed Rick Perry for telling people to “have a heart” when discussing healthcare in 2012.

I mean... I would maybe add the Clinton Campaign itself for assuming it couldn’t lose.

I don’t think it’s a given. I’m expecting Klobuchar or possibly Warren.

It’s really bothering me that the game plan for the rest of the year appears to be nominate Biden, lose, blame Bernie voters.  It just seem like there are already cries of “It’s all your fault.” and the real game hasn’t even started yet.

In an attempt to derail the conversation about actual health and safety, I would just like to say the “make fists with your toes” scene is one of the best setup/payoffs in a movie ever.  

I’ve always read the quote as meaning they were “for children” too. They have broad appeal the way a Saturday matinee film would.

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I kinda feel the opposite. I think The Last Jedi is full of great scenes and excellent concepts, but fails as a cohesive film.

I’d go even further and say the setup was, “I just made him an UN-REDEEMABLE bad guy, go make a third movie that isn’t Return of the Jedi.”