I won’t even give him “smarter.” Maybe I’ll give him “less carny, much richer Trump.”
I won’t even give him “smarter.” Maybe I’ll give him “less carny, much richer Trump.”
I like that... next time I lock the kids in the basement and force them to sew new clothing for the baby, I’ll remind them to take solace in the fact that I’m their wicked “bonus” father.
Primaries should still be staggered, but you are absolutely right that we need to pick better initial states.
The only issue with that, is that the Democrats have been consistently running to the center and consistently losing elections.
The scariest thing about a Bloomberg nomination is that the Democratic party will effectively have become the old Republican party. The Overton window for the country has moved left, but somehow it keeps moving right for those holding political office.
I would just like to point out that the correct answer is always invisibility. When you’re invisible you fly for free.
It doesn’t help that Star Wars itself is Han Solo’s origin story. From his characters perspective, that movie is about how a cynical mercenary had a change of heart and became a leader of the rebellion.
I mean... most of those people you listed already had a proven track record of being evil. You don’t need to blackmail them. They’re all getting what they want.
The Blatty cut is interesting simply because the studio’s reasoning was stupid, but the interference made a better movie.
The series really went downhill after Steven Guttenberg left.
We’re living 1984 by way of Bradbury.
It wasn’t so much “we” as it was the large group of people who don’t think about policy at all who voted for Obama because it felt like an important moment.
They’re designed to make money and extend the fan base to more than just white males so that they can sell more toys, blankets... and apparently yogurt.
I’m pretty sure the character will be dead by the end of the movie, and Bond will have to re-take his codename.
Call me an old cynic... but I feel like these “leaks” are carefully worded specifically to gin up some controversy and get the racists to come out of the woodwork.
They’ll turn the moment there’s a smoking gun. Everyone will be quiet until that happens. If and when it does, the GOP will turn on Trump in the blink of an eye.
Well... here’s the more likely outcome in the event the Trump is removed from office:
Can we agree that Daley’s parking meter fiasco was the actual “Biggest Dick Move In Our City?”