
Me not can think of too many artists who can put out albums for 40 years and keep me interested, but Byrne at top of that short list.

True Stories is his first film that springs to my mind because it is so amazing

I hope the nihilism of the DC Universe doesn’t infect the relatively upbeat True Detective Universe.

Dude weed lmao.

Will I be able to understand this if I haven’t seen the Pink Panther?

I would watch ‘DuneKidz’.

Whereas David Lynch’s “Dune” is “Dune” for people who will put up with pretty much anything.

Nah. Being that it’s “For Adults” guarantees there will be Sting.

Wait until the MRAs learn that the Bene Gesserit are being cast as a bunch of women!

Did this Denis guy not see yesterdays newswire about Star Wars being for old people?

Every Hero needs a good Villen.

I have high hopes for this movie, but it annoys me when people make a big deal about works of entertainment being “for adults.” I just got done re-watching Babylon 5, and even though I still enjoyed it a lot I still don’t care for all JMS’s talk about how he was making a show FOR ADULTS! People who say things like

Muwah ahhhhh, the French!

It’s like he doesn’t even read The AV Club!

The Gulf War was like Dune for adults.

This really needs to be on HBO as “Game of Thrones in Space”.

Star Wars was a long time ago in a galaxy far away. Dune is in the far far future. I see no connection whatsoever.

O Dune, where is thy Sting?

Hmm...I googled “Star Wars for adults” and I got something else completely different.

The Star Wars movies are now officially for old people