
A 1000 battery also work in a 2000-3000. You just need a special cover. Sony’s extended battery came with one.

You need the control board or else the PSP won’t even turn on. On a lot of handheld like the GBA SP and DS, the battery is just a cell in a plastic case. On the PSP, the circuit board does stuff. I don’t know exactly what it does but it’s needed. It’s most likely linked to charging and estimating the % of battery

Replacement battery are not very good but for modders there is a very good mod out there. You open the old Battery, remove the control board and solder a new 3.7v battery cell to it. If you have a modded PSP where you never use the UMD drive you can even disassemble the PSP, remove the UMD drive, cut the plastic bit

Replacement batteries are super crap too. The majority don’t have the capacity they say they have. I even saw one where it said 1200mAh on the battery but in very tiny letters on the back of the package it said 750MaH.

Lego are expensive. Nintendo stuff are expensive. Lego Nintendo stuff are very expensive. Let’s guess the price on this. Id say 80$

The ending should have been Windows XP booting up and him starting a game of scrabble on Facebook.

Kojima is probably keeping the nude model all to himself along with unused voice lines of Reedus reading erotic poems in a sensual voice. We all know this is the only reason Kojima made this game.

I have a retail copy of Half Life 2. It came on 5 CD. There was a single DVD version but I only had a cd drive at the time I bough it. It’s the same with this flight simulator I guess. They could have done a single Bluray disc version but on DVD they need 10.

I bough Gravity Rush Remastered used on Ebay for like 25$. Now my GameEye collection app says the value of that game is nearly 160$. I don’t have many games that I paid cheap that gained value. Silent Hill 2 and 4 are worth more than I paid for them. The games I have that gained the most values are PS1 games. Megaman

Can you imagine someone buying that, breaking the seal. Opening the box and throwing it away, taking the cartridge apart to install a RaspberryPi in it all for the glory of his Youtube channel with 112 subscribers. 

In God of War the characters speak whatever language they are supposed to be but everything is english. Then on top of that they use accents or speech patterns to indicate if someone is speaking that language natively. In the last God of War game Kratos speak very proper compared to the previous games. That’s because

I though the same the first time I tried opening a safe and went past the number. I was like shit I went too far.... ill try it anyway. And it worked.

Still nowhere as scary as Jeff in HL Alyx.

After a few safe you start to get a feel for where they are and what could be a combination. The one where the combination is an employee of the month date for a dog I saw the dog picture before finding the same and immediately though that seems like a combo. Sure enough the note says the date is the “good boy”.

I was proud too when I figured the wedding date one. What I particularly appreciate is that the game doesn’t mind if you go past the correct number. On any real dial lock like that if the correct number is 05 54 25 and you end up going too far when going for 54 then it’s over and you have to start again. The whole

By that logic they could just change it and make another one. The thumbs up is now the new Nazi salute! ... now what?

proving my point.

Welcome to the world where you cannot have an opinion anymore. Either you think like them or you are a bigot. There is no inbetween.

Is it part of the MCU?

It really is all about bathrooms isn’t it? Here is an idea... bathrooms are for men and trans men OR women and trans women OOORRRR one bathroom for everyone. BOOM everyone is included. No one’s right is messed. No definition is changed and those who still don’t like sharing their bathrooms can just shut the fuck up