
Even when you go through it in the game it’s disappointing. I really wanted Ellie to learn about it after going through a whole lot of killing but nope. they throw you a flashback from 2 years ago. Her finding out should have been a big part of the narrative.

I keep hearing how calling them trans takes away their rights. What rights exactly is being taken away by trans being called trans? Is this about what bathroom they can use because I really don’t care which one they choose. Can’t we just change basic bathroom rules instead of changing the definition of what a woman

I own back to the future on NES. I needed at least one LJN atrocity in my collection. I only have 2 NES games that I consider bad. Back to the Future and Ghostbusters but they are iconic bad.

My post was not serious. The games I listed are terrible. The developers went for all the biggest titles. They have said that the more simple sidescroller like Mario 1 can take a few hours to do but the more “3d” and complex it gets it can go weeks or months of work. Like Mario 3 that has different layers of platforms

No Back to the future, Bible adventures, Where’s Waldo or Total Recall? Why are they even bothering then? I mean sure Ducktales is ok but it won’t keep anyone interested long enough for them to put out the good NES games.

If someone is trans woman I would treat them the same way I treat any woman. But on paper. Medically. By definition. They are trans woman and I would not destroy the very definition of woman to please anyone. This does not deny any right to anyone. What right this take away from trans women that women have? I’m fine

Sometimes they even ruin stuff that would normally be the good surprises. Early on I though Ellie will go on this crazy rampage and near the end learn of what Joel really did in the hospital. But no the game shows you that she has known for a while.

But they have the genetical code for being women. By making trans women the same as women you remove all definition of what it is to be a woman. Anything can be a woman? Why would trans women want to be women if it doesn’t mean anything anymore?

Being a woman by definition is a lot of things. Bones structure, hormones, reproductive organs and genetics. By having trans women be women it means anything can be a woman. Any bone structure, gender and genetical profile can be woman. Your mother is still a woman but what good is it when that word has no definition

If trans women are women then what is a women anymore? The word lose all meaning and definition. Any bone structure can be woman. Any Genetic makeup, any reproductive organs both natural, unnatural, functional or not. Everything can be a women. That’s the bit JK disagree with. Why would they want to be called women if

She chose poor words but her general idea is that if trans women are women then what is a women now? Any bone structure can be women. Any genetic setup can be women. Any reproductive organs, DNA and hormone setup can be women. She personally would fall in the category of “women who menstruate” and it would be the only

So if trans women are women... what is a woman? Because any bone structure can now be a woman. Any DNA setup can be a woman. Any reproductive organs natural of both sexes and artificial can be a woman. By making trans women being women you are stripping the very definition of women. That’s the bit JK doesn’t like even

Want my honest opinion? Just my personal stuff. Not attacking anyone or want to offend anyone. But I think the very way trans people feel and the definition is the entire problem and is the reason the suicide rate in trans people is so horribly high. Maybe pushing into their minds that taking hormones and having

Not my definition. The whole “women who menstruate” thing is JK’s fear about new definitions if anyone and anything can be a woman. Your GF is a woman. She has always had that genetic code. If she gets a fake penis installed then she can call herself a trans man if that pleases her.

I don’t think she has any problems with people wanting to be trans. What she disagree is the definitions. What she dislike is that if trans woman are woman then women have to be split in “women” and “women who menstruate” as she so called in that tweet. They don’t have the reproductive organs that women have, they

I checked a list of chapters earlier because I was curious to know how far along I was. I got a trophy that I though was for finding all the workbenches but it was for finding 12. I’m halfway through the game. I feel like it’s dragging on and on and on. I’m at the point where I activated the high contrast mode in

They ported Retro City Rampage to the PSP and DOS. Id like to see them port Hawaii Shakedown to the Genesis.

Now playing

The developer’s previous game is Retro City Rampage. That game started out as a GTA3 demake on NES. They had the first island and most of the story and mission done before the development shifted to make it a proper game they could sell. Inside the game there is an arcade place where you can play ROM City Rampage.

The last Dreamcast game came out in 2007. Retro City Rampage is the last game to come out on PSP and it was 2016. I bet the certification process is a bit more loose than in a console’s prime but if someone want to make a limited run of something I don’t see why a company would stop them. The process is probably

I’m not that surprised really. They ported Retro City Rampage to the PSP after all. What surprise me is that it’s still not on Steam. That’s probably Epic store exclusive money again. I got it on PS4. It’s a good game but not as charming as Retro City Rampage was.