
I had to redo that bit 2 or 3 times at most if I remember correctly. Just so you know where the guys are coming from, taking your time to aim and then knowing exactly when to shoot the truck with the molotov. There are definitely bits that are very hard unless you know exactly what to do. Like when you come out of the

It really is very hard on that difficulty. The part I remember dying the most was the snow parts as Ellie. The bits with clickers is forced hordes and the bits with humans you have to do stealth kills only. Being spotted basically means you die since you can’t fight back.

There is a small exploit that can make it easier to play on grounded. if you already finished the game on another difficulty and got the upgrades and manuals you just have to finish the first chapter on grounded. Load your finished save file, start the game again on easy and then go back to the menu, use chapter

For me it was the Soldier guy in the bike chase. He is useless to the game and only exist so that Nomura could do crazy physics law defying bike stuff.

I noticed Rude’s sunglasses breaking and him taking new ones out of his jacket in the same way he did in Advent Children but the real moment that made me realize the game was taking everything FF7 in consideration was in the Shinra Building. When you spy on the meeting and Hojo says he will try to breed Aerith and

In the first game there was some extreme resource starvation on higher difficulty. Basically on easy you pretty much always had 3 full shiv and enough resources collected to build 3 more. With the books that gave you 2 and 3 use per shiv it was pretty much impossible to run out of shiv as you had enough stuff at all

For 600$ I would expect the entire freaking Castle from the Mushroom Kingdom AND Bowser’s castle. Not just tiny bits of “levels”

Lego are expensive. Nintendo stuff are expensive. Just how much will these cost?

I don’t mind the color. The only thing that make it look weird is those 2 flaps sticking out. If those 2 flaps followed the same curve as the black part in the middle it would look better. That said the look of a console is the last thing that I worry about.

I have the Rampage one. I spray painted the front panel with all the games logo with black paint. On some models that panel is black on the back side but mine was wood on the back so I didn’t have the option to just flip the panel around. I think it’s an easy way to give people options on how they want it to look if

I know what you mean. If the riser were plain and the front didn’t have all the logos for all the games included it would already look a lot less crowded. It also remind me of chinese knockoff handhelds’s boxes that have a ton of images of various characters in different sizes and style from stuff that are not even in

I would guess the prisoner who get them are not exactly the High Security Hannibal kind of prisoners. A guy doing 2 years for not paying child support is not really likely to turn this into a deadly weapon.

So basically Australians can buy a game, play through it and get a refund after? On steam there is both a number of days but also a certain number of hours played that limit when you can get a refund. If there is nothing of the sort for digital games in Australia then what is stopping people from getting refunds when

I hope this photoshopped reveal is trying to make it look even more micro than it is. The size of a Gameboy Micro would be good. Anything smaller might be too much of a novelty to be playable.

It’s a driver assistant. Not autopilot. That’s how they get out of any legal trouble.

Remoteplay work on PC and android as well so unless they make a new specific remoteplay for PS5 I think it’s possible that the Vita might still support it. There is no technical limitation as to why they couldn’t do it. But at the same time new PS4 games have started to drop the remoteplay logo from the back of the

Yes I agree smaller games might be quicker to improve visually. For the rest of the bigger games it will be a lot like when we got the current gen. A lot of games coming to old gen and new gen with improvements. I not even thinking much about the actual next gen games right now. I’m more curious to see how current gen

If you still have one of the bad one you should try taking it apart further to try fixing it. No harm in destroying it in the process if it’s already not working.

PS4 drift is the potentiometers getting dirty. You can clean them up by taking the controller apart. The Joycon drift is wear. The graphite pads wear down and you need to replace the joystick only to have them wear down again. It’s inevitable.

It’s the potentiometers getting dirty. Basically there is a conductive ring in each axis that track the position. It can be fixed by cleaning them. You might not even need to take them apart as much as some tutorial do. Just enough so that you can put rubbing alcohol in the potentiometers and wiggle them a bit. The