
This is the same kind of bullshit as when a guy took a UPS driver hostage and the cops ended up killing them both by shooting the whole truck on the highway. There are good cops but there is also some that are complete morons who would prefer killing 20 innocent bystanders than risk their own lives.

I think the early stuff will not be as detailed as the demo. It always take a bit of time for developers to take advantage of everything. A game that started development on PS3 then upgraded to PS4 once the kits were available was never going to look as good as a game developed on PS4 from the ground up. The early

I love props from games and movies when it make sense. There was the foam replica of Kratos’s axe from the last God of War. There is 1:1 replicas of plasma rifles and super sledgehammer from Fallout as well as pipboys and other stuff. I have a Casey Jones mask from the 1990 Ninja Turtles movie as well as a Sports

Those damn bird immigrants coming to our villages and taking all our jobs.

If it’s an average then I’m not really surprised. For every GTA there is 200 crappy game that would never exist if there was any form of quality control or publishing rights. Also there isn’t many big tripleA titles exclusive to Steam. If you include other stores and consoles you might end up with 20% of the sales

You cruel man.

The remake being split is both good and bad. It’s good because it expend stuff instead of being a direct copy with new graphics. It’s also bad because it will take a long time to get everything and we are just about to get into a new console generation. I see the split as both a way to make things bigger but also a

Ground Zero was an expensive demo. Another thing they fucked up. The fight with the burning Volgin after we find the warehouse of sick guys.... boring. It’s scripted and yet freaking nothing interesting happens. Fight with Quiet? you arrive in some area and shes there. Compare those fights to the ones we get back in

The most well crafted and interesting base we visit in MGS5 is not even in MGS5. It was the Ground Zero base. The missions are also scripted and yet none have anything as interesting as the hospital. With the checkpoints and the guards I mean that you can capture everyone at a checkpoint and come back a bit later and

About 60 hours for me. I never want to replay that game again. It wasn’t bad while I was playing it. It’s only when you get that ride across the map and then fight Metal Gear and the burned dude dies that I was like “wait that’s it? he’s dead?” and then we find out the final chapter is missing. That pissed me off and

To be fair... would a cure really save humanity? Marlene’s crew almost all died on the journey to that hospital. Pittsburg is controller by raiders. Do the Fireflies even have the means to produce and distribute the vaccine? All it would do anyway is prevent people from turning if they get infected. It wouldn’t make

Remove MGS5 and put God of War 2018 instead. MGS5's gameplay is not any better than any of the previous ones. The map is big but empty and boring. You have this huge base that grows as you develop it but there is nothing to do there. Worst part is the game missing it’s final chapter.

If you don’t have access to a DS battery it’s probably the best option. Expensive but actually the spec it says. The cheap 850mAh you can get for 8-10$ are most likely 600mAh or less. I’m just saying that using a DS battery is an alternative better than those cheap off brand ones.

If you look at used PSP for sale on Ebay they often don’t have a battery unless it’s the after market ones. The original just bulged out with time. They all do eventually. My mod is pretty great as long as you don’t mind sacrificing the UMD drive. I have a PSP 1000-2000-3000 and a Go. I modded my 2000 because it’s my

They are pretty cheap now and there is a new method to hack them. The old way required an app from the closed eshop so unless you had it pre-installed before you couldn’t do it. Now they found a way to do it with the camera app that is installed by default.

I have a ton of gameboys. From the original to the DSi. I can see the “common” problem evolution as the hardware got more complex. Gameboy could have burned screen but that’s about it. The rest is just keeping the power switch clean just like the pocket and GBC. That and try not to lose the battery cover. Original GBA

The SP doesn’t use any complex battery unlike the PSP. Any 3.7v battery will do. You could just get a regular battery cell that fit in the hole and connect it. They make those in all sizes. You could also use that to do an extra long battery life by connecting an even bigger one. That is actually how people are

You can also use an original DS battery in the SP. Not the lite or DSi. Original only. It’s the same size with the connectors at the same location and same 3.7v output. You just have to remove the 2 plastic tab that help it stay in place when the cover is not on. They are even 850mAh compared to the SP’s 600mAh so

I have many. The last of Us, Walking Dead season 1, 2018 God of War, Metal Gear Solid 1 and 3 and FF7 Crisis Core.

It already exist for the weapons but I don’t think any mod would allow to do something like opening a car door with the actual handle.