
It reminds me of that Project Milo thing that Microsoft was showing when trying to sell Kinect. Remember how in the demo you could walk up to your screen and pass objects to the boy? Remember how Kinect worked in the end? there was no way that would ever be possible.

Don’t get too excited for that DLC. It’s barely any content at all. I mostly remember having to go around while getting phone calls from Zeke from the first 2 games. I don’t even remember what he was talking about. He doesn’t even appear physically. Checking a youtube video about the conversation will be faster than

Esports stands for electronic sports, right? Electronic in french is Electronique and Sports in french is also Sports... so... maybe the french can use Electronique Sports and short it to I dunno.... Esports?

What if we have the PS1 classic version? are those going to migrate to PS4/5 now or do we really only get those games through PS+? I don’t expect disc versions of games to be supported but the PS Classic from the PS3/PSP should be tied to that.

I still can’t believe the Mother 3 English patch managed to be completed and Nintendo never sent the hounds.

Gif means graphics interchange format. From that alone logically it’s G like Graphic. Not Jraphic.

I regret buying this game. The menu and collection aspect is nice but everything else is the worst it has ever been in the series. I don’t even get excited anymore when I get one of the surprise prize ticket. I redeemed about 15 so far and 14 out of those 15 times I got the minimum cash prize basically worth less than

For the huge games that take 5 years to make they will make them exclusive but I don’t expect the yearly Call of Duty to be exclusive.

When it was showing Harrison’s face aiming at Dexter and we heard a shot I half expected him to have a shocked face and we would see Angela shot Dexter first so Harrison didn’t have to. For most of the season I also expected a reveal that Harrison killed Annah and she didn’t really die of cancer.

Same concept as the Friday the 13th game and Dead by Daylight but with a DBZ skin. I’m not sure it will catch on. The idea may work best for a Alien game and would have probably been better than the Fireteam game that came out recently and has already been forgotten.

The game will be a PS5 console-exclusive at launch”. To me that sounds a lot like the FF7 remake. The “console-exclusive” could allude to a PC version and “at launch” infer timed exclusivity.

I suppose it could also be considered an investment for the developers. Sell your older game for dirt cheap as a way to shift more users to a platform that takes way less % on your future games.

I still don’t understand why big websites like Amazon don’t just make a wait list. You get on the waitlist and you will get one evantually. Instead it’s “we will have a few this date at 12:00AM and be there in the first 3 seconds or bots will get them all”

Doesn’t matter if resellers are buying everything because their consoles resell. If they were all stuck with piles of PS5 that no one buys then sure I wouldn’t really count it as proper sales but they actually do sell even with scalper prices.

These days shes more famous for talking about her problems than her music. When DMX went into a coma from his overdose she went all “omg that could have been me because I did drugs and overdosed too!” and now she sees sugar free cookies and she feels attacked because she had trouble with food as well and need the

I heard somewhere that about 1 in 4 projects that developers start actually hit market and the majority of cancelled games are never even seen by the public. Amazon just seems to announce everything way too early.

Can you imagine this in VR? terrifying.

I think there is definitely trends going on sometimes. I am convinced that Assassin’s Creed Valhalla was influenced by the 2018 God Of War. We are done with pirates. Now it’s Vikings.

On the Switch it’s caused by wear from the very technology they used and cannot be reversed. It’s a graphite pad that detect the position of the stick. Traditional joysticks have 2 conductive rings. One on each axis and they rotate with the movement of the stick. If those conductive rings get dirty then you can get

it gives you a patent vague enough that you can sue anyone who use any kind of touch stuff on a controller.