
For all games or only some? It took me some time to get my “VR leg” settled at first and I would get headaches in games that didn’t have comfort mode when moving. The worst I had at first was games where you could have sliding movement that just stop dead when you stop pushing buttons. Of course the big plastic smell

Card game.

I was wondering why there was no Genesis versions. There is a Super return of the Jedi on Game Gear and it’s basically the same game as the Gameboy version but with much better sound and in full color.

Yep. people forget. I didn’t forget how Bethesda tried to have paid mod on the Steam Workshop for Skyrim. People complained and they removed it and apologized... only to relaunch the idea with the Creation Club and now they made a freaking online game to milk that even more.

TWAU season 2 being canceled after the reveal was the biggest lost for me when Telltales died. So glad that it’s still happening.

Can you seriously not detect sarcasm? I listed the 2 biggest single player open world games we got in 2018. One won game of the year and the other was pretty close to win as well.

Steam VR has a built in resolution changer. Even with a 1060 you could simply lower the resolution bit by bit if the framerate is not good enough and you don’t even have to restart the game. You can also increase the resolution at will. I do it in games that have very simple graphics and even with the regular HTC Vive

A million user on Steam and another 4.5 million on PS4. That doesn’t even count Nintendo’s cardboard thing and the Oculust Quest who doesn’t need Steam and people who just don’t use Steam at all. Steam VR users have doubled from 2018 to 2019. As long as they don’t drastically change the support of some headsets and

A million user on Steam and another 4.5 million on PS4. That doesn’t even count Nintendo’s cardboard thing and the Oculust Quest who doesn’t need Steam and people who just don’t use Steam at all. Steam VR users have doubled from 2018 to 2019. As long as they don’t drastically change the support of some headsets and

If it was not Half-Life then everyone would complain that it’s not Half-Life. If it wasn’t VR then it wouldn’t exist at all because the reason they never did HL3 was because they lacked motivation to do the same old stuff again and again. The only reason there was HL2 was because of the progress of physics engines.

I know what you mean. I think VR is too much of a small market for any company to invest millions in making AAA VR games. So far the best we had were VR support for regular games like Resident Evil 7 or conversion of bigger games like Skyrim, Fallout 4 and LA Noire. the proper dedicated VR games are often concepts

Duke Nukem Foreve: done

He was trying to promote green energy but just mixed up words a bit.

The man deserve a medal. He is just trying to bring awareness to all the brain damage from concussions in sports. Clearly he suffered a few himself.

So THAT is why the movie was bad. They took out the scene that was holding the entire plot together. Shame. Think of how different the Oscars would have been that year. Wow.

Everyone should be allowed to get a refund after they put the promised mod support and private servers behind a pay wall with that stupid subscription thing.

And here I was freaking out when I installed Doom 2016 at a mere 70GB. That’s why I’m not ready for consoles to give up physical media. Not just because I collect games but because I would hate being limited to 10-15 big games at a time before I have to delete them for new ones. The PS5 is said to have 100gb discs.

Ps4 backward compatibility with improvement beyond the PS4 pro? I really hope so.

I did the tutorial. It’s pretty much a straight up port. The pre-rendered videos are a bit pixelated just like any other previous version of the game. Framerate is good. Multiplayer is gone but I don’t mind because that means no multiplayer trophies and much better chances of me getting the platinum. I’m not sure it

I agree. If there was open world elements it’s most likely something they would have revealed by now. I suspect it’s similar to how Uncharted progress you through the game but I think it will also be cut in levels.