
Ghostbusters PS4. I received it in the mail today.

I remember that Clayface episode. Especially the bit at the end where the cops goes “anything else?” and Robin says “yeah... murder

I like the charm of the PSP remake. I think the talking gargoyles being actual gargoyles instead of heads on walls was a good thing. The graphics are actually pretty similar to the PS4 remake to the point where I wondered if they reused some assets in Dan’s crypt until I saw the layout was the same as the original

You also had to fill it up in the PSP remake but you were able to collect it without filling it. Basically the PSP version doesn’t make you back track from the end of the level to collect it. As soon as you found it you could collect it but it still only took you to the Hall of Heroes if you filled it before the end

The PSP remake from 2005 improved a lot of the problems that the original one had but the PS4 version seem to try to be faithful to the original in the same way the Crash and Spyro remakes were. It doesn’t work too well in Medievil’s case.

It’s one of those game that is more memories than anything else. The originals are barely playable by today’s standards but they are still some of the more valuable PS1 games. This is actually the second remake because there was one on PSP in 2005. The PSP one seem to be the better remake from what I saw in the demo.

Instead of improving the original they just remade it with modern graphics. The framerate is not great and everything else is a step back compared to the PSP remake from 2005. That one followed the same story and same kind of levels but they were redone. In the PSP version you could collect the chalice even if you

I tried the Medievil demo. framerate is not very good and it’s much closer to the original version than the first remake on PSP. It’s a shame because the PSP remake actually improved and fixed many things like not having to wait for the chalice to be at 100% in order to collect it. For Crash Bandicoot and Spyro I’m

Twitch rules are weird. You can hit a dog or throw a cat around and that’s fine but DO NOT show some skin... unless you are breastfeeding at which point you can go topless and that’s time.

Back when GTA Online started you could buy pretty much everything in the game if you got the biggest shark card. Now you would need to buy dozens of them.

I’m just careful about games that are hyped up just because there is a big name attached to it. If it wasn’t a Kojima game with Norman and other famous faces I am certain that nobody would be talking about that weird japanese game where you just walk around and there are ghosts and stuff. As I said before, get the

It’s the explanation I get from everything Kojima did since the game was announced. We have known from the very first images of this “game” that it had Norman Reedus in it but now 2 months from launch we just now start seeing gameplay. Clearly the most important part of this game is Norman.

But now he got to 3d scan him naked. You can’t do that at a baseball game. Kojima pick actors he fancy to work with.

The whole thing is just an excuse for Kojima to work with Norman Reedus. I’m skipping this one. Get this game if it look interesting and fun to you. Not just because it has Kojima’s name on it.

Nah I’ll stick to Electrician Monopoly and Welder Monopoly where I get paid a lot more just because they are higher paying Monopoly games. Everyone is allowed to play those but it’s usually mostly guys who like to play it. I heard a lot of complaints that there is more Monopoly money in the Welder Monopoly game than

Dealers are always double the price. I hit a pretty big pot hole earlier in the summer. My front right wheel started doing a grinding noise and I got a big bulge on the side of my tire. The small garage I always go to was closed for 2 weeks so I though I would just switch my wheel for my winter one. While trying to

The X to cancel is mostly a Japanese thing. Look at the menu for Metal Gear Solid for example. You get a “Press start” and then you have the new game, load and other options. If you press X on New Game it bring you back to Press Start.

I feel the same but we are all wrong. It’s a symbol so it’s a cross. X is a letter. The O is a circle. Not a “o” or a zero.

Officially when the controller was designed it’s X(no) O(yes) Square(menu) Triangle(viewpoint). In Japan O and X are seen as yes and no. That’s why a lot of Japanese games have what we feel as inverted buttons. If you press start in the menu of Metal Gear Solid it will show the options for new game and load and if you

Let’s all judges a story written 20 years ago for being all Nuclear and Russia!