
He wasn’t strapped in his booster seat properly?

It’s about time people start doing prison for Halloween decorations out before October even starts. That’s a warning to everyone else who puts Christmas decorations before December.

Id it too young to die? Probably but at least she died doing what she loved. I respect those who live their lives without regrets.

There is a real problem with the joycon joysticks. They use graphite pads to track position. That graphite wears down with use. It doesn’t matter if it’s a kid or an adult using it. They just wear down. If the Switch Lite still use those same kind of joysticks then it’s an even bigger problem because you can’t just

I think they could have still added a mini HDMI output and just not include a docking station. How do the joysticks compare next to the old Switch? That whole drifting problem is the main reason I have been holding off getting a Switch. If those joysticks are the same then it’s an even bigger problem because you can’t

It’s simple. Japan think gamers outside Japan likes the hardcore manly stuff. Who wants a light blue logo?! The same people who buys Kirby games where he is not angry on the cover!!!

This really should have been in the game. Make like the plants from GTA5 where you have 1-2 minutes of hallucination as an animal.

It’s almost impossible to know the true impact. How many that say they are boycotting are really doing it. How many just say it because they don’t like Epic and wouldn’t even buy the game anyway. How many don’t get the game but don’t talk about it and how many like me just lose interest.

I almost expect Batman and Shrek to show up with the team like those Chinese knockoff figure sets.

Ok maybe not something as drastic as a whole new art style but at least if it’s not MCU don’t make it look that much MCU. How often have we seen Thor without a helmet outside the MCU? Will it also have a black bald Nick Furry that is totally not Samuel L Jackson in it?

Yep. That’s why I specifically said in my original comment that it’s not a boycott I’m doing when I don’t get a game that’s exclusive. It’s just that it make me lose interests. I didn’t want to start a debate on Epic vs Steam. We have come to a point where games come out on pretty much every platform unless they are

Of course we all have our most favorite games that we would get no matter what. I never had an exclusivity problem stopping me from playing one of those for my personal favorites. What it does affect is those games where I like them and am interested some and would consider buying if I don’t have anything else to play

Do not underestimate my lazyness. Sure there is that general dislike for the Epic store but getting it just for that one game I might want? nah I’ll just pass. You have no idea how many times I start craving playing Minecraft again for a bit but then remember I would have to update it and do the password recovery

No I can wiggle my own food. I’m also not driving 4x the distance to go to that other grocery that exclusively sells apples. I’ll go to the nearest store where I already buy all my groceries and buy freaking oranges instead of apples. I’m way too busy to drive that far just for apples.

I’m getting older and I’m busy a lot and there is a lot of games out there. If you don’t make it easy for me to buy your game, I won’t bother. If you try to sell me a 60$ game for 100$ by having crap dlc? You’re out. Gameplay focused around lootboxes and microtransaction? out. I’m not boycoting stuff that comes out

Yep and making it clear that it was an older Spiderman who had been doing it for years, is not in school and is not a photographer. This is not any of the movie Spiderman. This Avenger game clearly took inspiration from the movies for all the character designs. The biggest hint to that is Thor without a helmet. That’s

That’s exactly what I was thinking as well while watching Thor breaks the cement tubes that block the paths. This is just a prettier PS3 era game. Is this a resurfaced never finished 2012 Avengers tie-in game and they just updated the graphics?

They should have gone for a full cellshaded art style like Borderlands to avoid comparison with the movie versions of the characters. As it is we just can’t do anything but compare them and it’s not good. This is like a 7 years late Avengers tie-in video game but that also didn’t get the rights to the actors likeness.

The last time I saw someone make a game for the sole purpose of showcasing peoples they love we had Kanye West play a game trailer twice because people didn’t clap enough the first time.

Oh No I use that word at least 5 times every day and don’t know the correct spelling and no one told me before! It’s almost like I don’t play Street Fighter and don’t really give a fuck enough to check how it’s written for that one time I wrote a comment on Kotaku in 2019.