licensing fees is the reason why the PS classic had a very average game lineup. Most of the money went to get Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy 7.
licensing fees is the reason why the PS classic had a very average game lineup. Most of the money went to get Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy 7.
It would actually be decent if it was a video game movie instead of a specifically Mario movie. Put references to Sonic. Have them use Doom weapons. Do Mortal Kombat moves and throw a heidoken. Same story but mixed up with a bit of Tron.
Still waiting for the 4K bluray release.
Still waiting for the Lego Breaking bad RV meth lab.
They did 3d models on top of videos in FF7. It wasn’t new to FF8. In 7 it was subtle use like the elevators in Juno, the Tiny Broncos taking off and being shot at, the blue cable car coming and going from the GoldernSaucer and the planetarium sequence in Cosmo Canyon.
Just one more thing they announced and were never able to deliver. They also said they would bring 3d support to the 3ds version via update and they never delivered that. Probably for performance issues as well.
Yes very much sarcasm. There is always people defending stupid crap no matter what it is.
It’s an EA game. The sexism probably comes from EA to give themselves publicity. Wake up people!
They freak out even when the guy is armed and shooting first at the cops so no they really just see it as “us vs them” without any consideration for the details.
I have the same weird feeling every time there is a black lives matter manifestation event. 1 guy gets shot by the police and they loose their minds as if the police was doing a widespread genocide but black on black gang violence deaths is almost 100x higher. People don’t choose their battles, they choose their…
Anyone has stats on the rise of murders committed with an axe since 2017? I’m curious to see the 50 000% rise spike from when God of War came out in 2018.
Where is Mimir’s head? I see the bifrost on his belt but no Mimir!
It’s weird how atmosphere can completely change the way we feel while playing similar games. I don’t remember any moment in Doom 2016 where I felt scared or creeped by enemies. Even if the graphics are far more gory and realistic, Doom 2016 has a different atmosphere where the demons fear you instead of the other way…
People offended by this should just stop playing Overwatch and play some better games. Like Batman Arkham Asylum, Americam McGee’s Alice, Outlast, Dementium and Manhunt 2.
I think it’s natural but I dont think it belongs in a stream. Just like I think every parents have taken pictures of their kids in the bath but those pictures don’t belong on facebook. It’s not about being normal or sexualised.
Pretty much every parents have taken pictures of their kids in the bath and it’s fine. Doesn’t mean those pictures should be posted on facebook. When a woman does it in a public place it’s not to get attention. People can go on with their business and ignore her. When you are on webcam you are giving a show and people…
They also said they would update the 3ds version to use 3d and they never did. They did the last 3ds update back in January and now they are done with that version.
I’m not sure if it’s the first or second one but one of the patch also brings back some censored textures. Doom 1-2 and Duke Nukem are still impressive to me on GBA.
GBA Doom 1 and 2 are pretty neat. If you have a flash card you can even patch the roms to have red blood again.
Even when they were giving free items from the stupid in game workshop thing in Skyrim and Fallout 4 I never bothered getting any because of the Bethesda account.