
That image at the top and the title misled me. I though it was a Battlefield like game with 80s visual style.

That reminds me of the “3d” goggles that came with Metal Gear Acid 2 for the PSP. It wasn’t VR but it had 3d effect. it was pretty bad. lol

Someone somewhere had the idea for this movie.

Even if copyrights expire and something enters public domain it doesn’t mean trademarks expire. The trademark holder could still stop others from using 007 or the name James Bond if it’s part of the trademark. That’s pretty much whats going to happen with Mickey Mouse.

I can certainly think of a lot of places this camera system would cause problems. Air vents. Platforming. Shooting the big alien spider’s testicle. Pretty much the entire Xen area. That is still a very cool mod.

Hayter has more than passion for Snake. He IS Snake in his very soul!

The easier it is to loose or destroy the box the more value they have now when they are in good shape. Snes boxes add a lot more value to a CIB than Genesis boxes. Unless it’s the cardboard ones. That’s why my small Genesis collection is with boxes but my Snes is just the carts. I don’t mind buying a game that has a

Maybe the guy who bough it just really really REALLLY wanted a copy in absolute PERFECT condition so that he could install a RaspberryPie in it. If you are to do that mod you might as well do it right.

I did the very same thing. Try to backtrack any time I could to get the chests I didn’t use before.

I know New Vegas is often praised as the best Fallout ever and the only true sequel to the originals but I hate it. There is no exploration needed. The goal of the story is boring. The factions are all grey and the freaking music is annoying. If you follow quests and the story you will see 75% of the places to visit

There are games where higher difficulty just means you have to conserve ammo and aim well and just die more often. Like Uncharted. But GOW... You can fuck your playthrough if you don’t do well. Doing bad or average at one point can make the next part harder because you dont get all your magic and health back just

I only did it for the platinum too. The scorpion was the worst for me but I also remember having trouble in the big puzzle cubes where floors rotate and there is lots of spikes.

I played GOW 1 2 3 and the 2 PSP ones on hardest. The games were not that hard but the challenge stuff were very annoying for some. The 1 bit I nearly exploded my PS3 controller was the scorpion boss in GOW3. The game auto-saved right before the fight and I didn’t notice I was extremely low on health. I had to do the

Leviticus 11:7–8 reads:“And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.”

There are Hot Toys figures that take sooooo long to come out. Usually 1 year after a movie is out even when it’s something huge like Star Wars. The Ep8 Luke is still on pre-order. Threezero also made Fallout Power Armor figures. The first model prototype were shown about a month before Fallout 4 came out. They made

If I play Picross before bed I have Picross dreams. They don’t always work or make actual images but I still try my very best. lol

If he just went to the guy later on when he calmed down and talked with him and explained that he is just a man doing his job, I think I could see the point of why he went. But to sit on a chair for 40 min and think he deserve respect and apologies? You were doing your job but you were towing their only car. Of course

Valve should retaliate by making games and selling them exclusively on Steam. How about Half-Life 3?

Over here we have same sex marriage for almost 15 years. It’s NORMAL! I’m sorry I forgot not everyone is potty trained in the world. Congrats on your video game characters making out even if they are same sex. Very progressive.

regressive? I think LGBT stuff should be normal by now. I’m not saying I don’t want it in games. I think an award for it is fucking stupid. Is there an award for movies that have black actors in them? Is there an award if a movie show women voting? There comes a time where you have to stop making stuff unusual if you