I’m not against representation in games. I’m against making it weird by forcing it to be special. It should be something that comes naturally. Do we need an award for a movie that would show women voting in it?
I’m not against representation in games. I’m against making it weird by forcing it to be special. It should be something that comes naturally. Do we need an award for a movie that would show women voting in it?
Sure. But does it still really need to be pointed out with an award? Are we still living in a time where not hating gays is considered special instead of just common sense?
But wouldn’t it be stupid if they started making an award for games that is free of animal cruelty or one that is for eco friendly? I don’t mind developers wanting to make things realistic or not at all or try to connect with as many people as possible. I just find it annoying that such an award is still needed to…
Maybe I’m just tired of waiting for a time where we won’t need that kind of stuff and it annoys me because I’m already past all that.
I like games. I don’t pick up politics from games. I don’t mind LGBT stuff being in games. I just hate how forced and unnatural they make it. I accept and am totally fine with characters being made whatever way the creators want them to be but don’t force them a way just so you can be all “Look they can makeup with…
I don’t mind LGBT stuff being in games. I just hate how in your face it’s getting and how much they so desperately want to be praised for it. Is it really accepted or normal if they make it feel this forced and unusual?
create any category you want to pat whoever you want on the back for whatever reason. I don’t care. Game of the Year still went to a straight white manly single dad for being in a good game that is not pushing an agenda. I’m tired of hearing complaints about fictional character’s race, genders and sexual orientations…
Blackify button? You must have a newer version. On mine they still called it the Urbanize button.
I had that same feeling when I played Sleeping Dogs once I noticed a lot of very tall buildings only had tiny stores on the first floors and no access to the upper floors. Are you telling me everyone that lives in this building has to go through the electronic store to get to their apartment? Or the few back alley…
At least with an online game it forces Bethesda to fix bugs. They can’t just let modders come up with their own unofficial bug fix patch that fixes 10x more stuff than Bethesda did.
I was joking. EA said last year that single player games were not popular anymore. Couple months later, God of War came out proving them massively wrong. EA sell games as a service. They only care doing a game if they can charge for a ton of DLC or microtransations. They claim to know what gamers want but they just do…
Pff... Game of the year. Who needs GOTY when you can have lootboxes and microtransactions! Pay 200$ now or play 900 hours to unlock Chewbaca! That is the future of gaming. Not some 50 hour single player game about a father and his son taking down Norse mythology.
Anything EA touches is cursed in my opinion. So many studios made a good game only to be bought by EA and forced to try making another hit on short time and budget only to be shut down when it fails.
But the lootboxes man! That’s the future!
I’m sarcastic. EA said that single player games were doomed before GOW came out. EA doesn’t make games anymore. They make services. If they can’t have lootboxes or DLC or microtransaction they don’t care much about making it.
I wonder why they canceled it. A Star Wars open world game seems perfect for microtransactions and DLC. Maybe it was the huge critical failure that were Red dead redemption 2 and God of War that made Ea cancel it as it’s clear there is no future for single player games.
I hope he wins so companies stop putting stupid emote dances in games. I think he can win if he can prove that the movements were taken directly from a video of him. From what I have seen of side by side comparison before it was frame perfect timing.
For that I would certainly have faith!
American police departments would have a better chance at suing Rockstar for being depicted in GTA than the Pinkertons have against Red Dead Redemption. If they win any money over this I’m suing them for what they did to Arthur and John!
If you want to see the NES pushed to it’s limit I suggest you check out a video called “The making of Rom City Rampage” on youtube. Basically it’s the guy who made Retro City Rampage explaining how he can make his game run on NES because after all the entire project started as a demake of GTA3 for NES.