Lol same. Nothing of major importance but I like knowing that if I lose the key I can open it by simply jamming pretty much anything in the lock and turn.
Lol same. Nothing of major importance but I like knowing that if I lose the key I can open it by simply jamming pretty much anything in the lock and turn.
Did you test the lock on the safety box the game came with? That thing is seriously the weakest lock I have ever seen. You can unlock it with a steak knife.
I had the chance to pre-order one when it was announced before it was sold out everywhere. I wanted it just for the helmet. I don’t care at all for multiplayer Fallout. I opted not to buy it because the T-51 is my least favorite model. If it had been T-60 I would have bough it for sure. I’m glad I didn’t buy it…
The biggest problem Sony faced when they decided to make this is that the vast majority of the real classic games are third party. You can’t license 20 of the most famous and recognizable games for 100$ and there is still the price of the hardware to account for. With that price they could get Metal Gear but not…
Why is nobody allowed on the island? It’s pretty clear to me. They are hiding weapons of mass destruction. Sent the nearest aircraft carrier or submarine! Whatever is nearest with enough firepower to make that evil island vanish!
T-51 was the most widely used model during the war and helped the retaking of Anchorage. T-60 is the successor so of course it has better stats but it never saw use in big battles. It started being deployed within the US when the bombs fell. To me it make sense. When Fallout 4 was being made, they made the T-60 design…
Good for him doing the honest thing. Personally I would have probably made a few accounts and unlocked all the Train Simulator games with DLC and sold them. There is for like 7500$ of DLC for those damn train games.
If the controllers are regular USB... does that mean they could be used on PC? Or could it mean we could use a PS3 or PS4 controller? I would be willing to forgive the console not having the dualshock controllers if PS3 and PS4 controllers are compatible. As for the game selection I’m putting my hope in the hands of…
Fallout 4 has 2 FOV. One for the game and one for the Pipboy. I find having a big FOV for the pipboy bad since it makes the pipboy all tiny in the middle of the screen. That’s why I use the command “FOV 75 90". that sets the Pipboy to 75 which is much better and the game at 90. If I had a bigger monitor I would…
Rebel’s entire existence revolve around her being fat. Queen Latifah can gain 50 pounds or lose 50 pounds and shes still Queen Latifah. That’s why she sees herself as the first fat girl to do romcom because that’s all she is.
If you can get the PC version running it should have instant load times. I also remember that the resolution on PC directly affect how big the screen is. Bigger resolution makes the game zoomed out so you can see more of the map.
Similar to how any Fallout and Elder Scroll game has random encounter. By making them happen only in certain areas or under certain condition such as not having a base built nearby. Give a message that another team is nearby when the 2 get connected and maybe show a limit on the map. If players go out the area then…
I think they sould have gone full MMO or do it Coop style like Borderlands. Unfortunately they went halfway and it just doesn’t seem like a good idea in the long term. Borderlands had the right idea almost a decade ago. Make it coop and put in an arena so you can fight other people online either 1 on 1 or team…
I want both Blood Omen and Soul Reaver remakes. If the PS1 classic gets hacked like the NES and Snes classic and someone finds out how to add games then I will definitely add those 2 even if I already have them on disc.
First we got Crash. Then Spyro. Now Medievil. Eventually Final Fantasy 7. If someone announces a new Legacy of Kain or a remake, I might faint.
I kept my pre-order. I have SOTN on disc and it’s only a matter of time before someone finds a way to add games to it just like the NES and SNES classic.
Hopefully it will be as easy to add our own games as it is with the NES and SNES classic. I don’t mind too much that they don’t have all the BIG classics since I already have them on discs. I have 95 PS1 games on disc and the PS1 Classic still has 13 games I don’t have.
I would have loved a fusion of Borderlands and Fallout 4. Make it Coop and maybe even make it so the server can have teams meet other teams randomly. Bring the crafting, building and dialogue from Fallout into Borderland gameplay. No human NPC and no dialogue just makes it feel like a dead world to me.
There is a similar problem with some tiny arcade games I have seen. They have a plastic decal to protect the screen that has images from the arcade versions but the game is actually the NES versions. There is Burger Time, Bad Dudes and other games like that.
How come there isn’t any reality show made from camera footage on planes? I’m pretty sure there would be enough material for a weekly episode of a show. This week on Nightmare in the Sky, Look what this man did on the floor of the last row after his dinner and you won’t believe who bit the flight attendant and it’s not…