
Anyone remember that PT demo that was to be a Silent Hill made by Kojima? Well forget that trash because now the TRUE marriage of Silent Hill and Metal Gear is uppon us!!!

The Spiderman demo is the perfect example of “not final product”. Things were tweaked but I can’t say the game look worse than the demo unlike the first Watchdog.

The demo was optimized and build specifically for that mission and they wanted to impress us so they cranked the textures and special effects to the max. In Spiderman’s case I imagine the “downgrade” was made to improve the performance. No one would count the puddles if the framerate was shit. Aliens is different. The

I loved Accounting a lot. Such a crazy little free demo. I’m not even checking the trailer for this one and I just bough it.

Ok ya I see it’s down.... but what do we do now? Anyone has an idea? I feel like when power goes out but my computer is still on. That never happens... what do we do?! Is it too soon to panic, burn things and loot?

I’m still on my first playthrough. I wonder if NG+ will just have everything you unlocked be unlocked again or of it’s all collectable again... it would make getting challenge points much easier if I don’t have to get 3 stars in most of them.

I remember seeing a 1600$ sealed graded copy of Chrono trigger on Ebay many years ago and through it was crazy how a game can be worth that much. Going back in time and bring back a whole bunch of them would make someone rich!... But now I realize that the “worth” is only as much as someone is willing to pay. That’s

At my peak of ordering games on Ebay I was getting 2-3 packages delivered per day. It was getting so intense that I accidentally ordered a second NES Metroid because I forgot I already had 0ne on the way.

If you want to be picky, go all the way. It’s the ETA-2 Actis-class Interceptor. lol

When I saw the article’s title I though that was what they were in trouble for.

No not that one.

I’m just here to say the ship in the pic looks totally like a Jedi Starfighter.

But they still made a game about a female rebel fighter and nobody cared. It didn’t feel forced. It didn’t feel like someone had an agenda to push. You can make games about war and include females if you do it right. But don’t call gamers “misogynist” when they don’t accept your bullshit agenda.

Nintendo with one platform? The same Nintendo who specialize in making 2 versions of Pokemon and has a completely different and separated eshop on each platform? Madness! But I do hope the new Switch is an even more portable version. permanent controls attached. Better battery so that it runs as good as the first

We all know why they are taking those games off the store. They are freaking rigging the Game of the Year poll. Wake up people.

I’m not even a Star Trek fan and I absolutely loved trying this in VR. It was amazing. F**c CBS.

Judge Dredd, Burger time AND Super Burger time?! Forget the N64 Classic. Who will care about that when we are already getting the ultimate gaming machine? Ok I need to stop the sarcasm now, my head is spinning.

Another reminder that The Wolf Among Us season 2 was announced and now it will never happen. :(

I have 1 question since the studio is closing... why are they still selling the game? It’s still listed on Steam at full price and Ep 3-4 probably won’t ever come out. What the hell is that all about?

Here is the real reason for anything Kojima does now.