And when you spend 25-50k$ on a day it better be for the good reasons. They are probably still married because they don’t have enough money for a divorce.
And when you spend 25-50k$ on a day it better be for the good reasons. They are probably still married because they don’t have enough money for a divorce.
I bough the game during a sale since I have a Vive. I launched the game. It looked ok. I did the tutorial and then I launched out of a station... and that’s it. I was stuck there. No idea where to go or how to go anywhere. I don’t need constant tutorial but that game just doesn’t hold your hand at all after the first…
Some choose to see it as a sad thing. I prefer to see it that he dodged a bullet like freaking Neo in the Matrix. I know a girl who was asked to get married and I know she said yes not for the guy but for the idea of getting married. She wanted the dress and the big reception and be the center of attention for a whole…
Now you tell me I can’t touch people’s hair. Next you will tell me I’m not allowed to smell their toes either and soon I won’t have the right to give kisses on bald men’s head all because we are in public and we don’t know each other. What is the world becoming?
If he shoot someone again it’s going to be because someone tries to bring “Justice” to him. Just leave that moron to die alone in his own ditch and stop talking his name and posting his face.
The reason why he got away with it was because he was going back to his car when Trayvon turned around and went to him and started hitting him. That little detail alone changed who was the aggressor in the situation and defending himself was then “fine”. But he might not get away with death theats... hopefully.
Those guys are doing exactly what the campaign tells them to. They believe in something and they sacrifice their shoes. In a way... that campaign is working.
And there barely was any base at all too. In MGS1 you spend 3/4 of the game getting to Rex. Where was the Metal Gear in 5? Behind 2 big doors in a cave right next to a tiny power plant connected with a road. Pretty much every area with buildings felt like a paintball range. Like there are buildings but you know it’s…
5 is uneven. The intro in the hospital feels like an entirely different game. That area has so much action and so much details to it. Then you spend 40 hours crawling in empty wooden shacks and pasing through the same road checkpoints with enemies at the exact same places. Then a few exciting moments at the end with…
Or pointing out an error to a teacher and they claim they just wanted to see if you were paying attention.
Also Doom 2 is from 94. 95 was for the mac version.
That could be a deliberate thing then and could also be “fixed”. They went overboard a bit with complexity of the levels in Doom 2. It can take me 20-25 minutes to finish a Doom 2 level and they dare say the par is 3 minutes.
I assume it’s a bug and now that someone found a workaround he just goes “hahaha you finally figured out the trick”. I’m curious to know if it’s possible in the level editor to make a teleporter that acts that way on purpose or if you could fix that one to act normal.
The puddle was removed to distract us from how the shadows changed on the wall to the left. Personally I don’t care and the one thing that will make or kill this game is the web swinging.
None of this would have happened if everyone in that room had a gun and periodically fired warning shots at the ceiling so everyone knew everyone has a gun.
And those people are called psychopaths!
He should go to jail just for being guilty of buying over 30 Steam games in a single month. Even during a Steam sale it’s a sin.
I got a 1060 when I got a Vive. Works well enough for me. I’m at the point where the rest of my computer is what needs an upgrade. At first I though I could get faster ram. My motherboard doesn’t support DDR4... so new ram and motherboards then? well no motherboard support DDR4 and has my CPU socket... so ram, cpu and…
How can you spoil MGS5? The game is not even finished. lol.
He didn’t exactly “find out” when MGS3 was made. He was just shocked that they made him pass an audition again. He had to take one for every MGS game he played in.