
Hayter had to pass an audition for every single Metal Gear game he was in. It pisses me off that he was replaced because Kojima wanted to work with someone he fancy. When Konami decided to do the Gamecube remake of MGS1 they had limited budget for the voice acting and decided to recast everyone except Hayter but he

Looks like a mashup of every Metal Gear games. Gray Fox fighting a Gekko from MGS4, soldiers possessed by Mantis like screaming mantis does in MGS4, running after Ray on a horse which is a scene from peace Walker but not with ray, MGS1 Snake and Gray Fox doing their MG2 fist fight, MGS2 snake fighting MGS4 arm robot

I know exactly what you mean. I ordered a modded GBA with a backlight 3 weeks ago. When it arrived it worked fine but it only took a few days before the console started acting weird. I needed to move the power switch to on and off a dozen times before it would actually turn on. I ordered from a chinese seller and

What you describe sounds a lot like how they made mods work for the console version of Fallout 4. You can’t create new 3d assets or textures but you can use whats in the game in new ways. At E3 they said they have been working on Fallout 76 for 4 years now so I really think the Creation Club is a test for how they can

It feels like everything they constantly explain are to reasure us that the game doesn’t suck. I only see 2 ways they can have mods work. Creation club style where everyone has the files but you need to buy them or they will have to completely change how mods are made. Maybe mods will be private server only and you

Those 2 shots of young lando confused me. The first shot only show the cape and I though it was Blacula. I’m a tiny bit disappointed.

I live in Quebec, Canada. When the Snes Classic came out we found out the day of the pre-orders that Nintendo wouldn’t release it in our province and online retailers wouldn’t ship to us either. Apparently Nintendo got scared of our language laws because some of the games like Legend of Zelda got official french

I actually decided to buy a Nes classic and Snes classic when I found out it was very easy to put your own roms on it. There are great games included by default but there were still a lot of classics missing.

I have real cartridges that have silver screws. I don’t think it’s automatically a sign of being a reproduction. The plastic’s color and texture seems right from what I can see. The blue in the label is not overly dark like some reproduction label I have seen and we can almost barely see that the top label is peeling

I love Earthbound too much to send it to space. You can send my copy of Cool Spot or Uniracer on the moon if you want. I don’t care. But not my Earthbound, Chrono Trigger or Turtles 4 Turtles in time.

So when do we see a Deathstar the size of a basketball for this game?

I’m fine with using “Ness” and “Sness” but there is no chance in the world I will ever use “Jiff” even if the creator says that’s how it’s pronounced. And by creator I mean freaking God himself coming down from heaven and telling me it’s Jiff. Thank you “Jod” but go F* yourself.

Dude cmon. you just spoiled the epic emotional ending.

Don’t you insult Half-life like that. lol. The thing that really mess up the look is that all lighting is gone. There is no lights but there is no darkness either. Everything is just default bright. I remember making Counter Strike maps and the light calculation thing would fail if the level was not closed up in a box

Was it this bad?

I love stuff like that. There is a youtube channel that does videos on how much they can lower a game’s details. They call it potato mode. Doom 2016 in 640x480 with most textures disabled is glorious to watch. The earliest example I have seen of running games way below specs is Doom 3 running on a Voodoo2 video card.

I don’t care what she write on twitter. I don’t care if it’s serious or jokes. I don’t care if it has a deeper meaning. I just really really really want to know if she could get away with writing the N word.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but if my fat ass is not glorified I will revolt.

I wanted to get the 1/4 scale Kratos but I can tell Neca made him back when the game was still unfinished. The paint job is a bit off compared to how he look in the game. I’m tempted by this updated 7 inch version but I prefer the facial expression of the first one. Neca made a life size foam replica of Kratos’s axe.

But when you were used to the Dos version it was hard to addapt to the delay in the snes’s controls. It’s still an impressive game for snes. There are ports made on more advanced consoles that were worse than the Snes version.