Alex C

Progressivism in 2015 looks frighteningly like Conservative McCarthyism did in 1955. You can’t try and silence speech and/or opinions and call yourself liberal. I mean, you can, because we live in a free country in which you can say anything you want. But you’d be factually incorrect.

I’m still trying to figure out if obesity is such a horrible epidemic that we essentially need government to write our daily menus for us, of if we’re supposed to pretend that being overweight is sexually attractive? Sorry, it sounds mean, but the reality is that fit = healthy and we’re not surprisingly attracted to

Well, with that attitude, we’re probably lucky you decided to bail on us. One thing you realize as you get older is that personality can contribute to what is attractive way more than physical attributes. Based on your comment, I don’t think you could’ve “conformed to male heteronormative beauty standards,” enough to

Well, that’s one way to attempt to move to a better seat...

The booze ban is because of fighting, not falling. Also it's usually the local jurisdiction, or even the club itself that makes the alcohol rules. For instance at Stamford Bridge you can drink during half time but can't bring it to your seat. So you fit 1, maybe 2 in at the most.

Honestly, I don't want to know what it is. A vagina is a lot like a hot dog. If I knew what was really in it, I wouldn't eat it.

I get not finding this funny, simply because it’s so unoriginal. But if you’re actually outraged by this, you’re the one with the problem.

Where in the sign did they say they're going to rape someone?

One of the contenders for lady on our money should be Jeanette Rankin. Bet you've never heard of her. She's the first woman in Congress, the only woman who got to actually vote for the 19th Amendment in Congress, ardently anti-war, and shhh...a Republican.

I knew immediately upon hearing about this story that Jezebel would have a hot take on it.

Women should only be allowed to make the choices that you want them to make.

I’m 29 so technically a Millenial and I think participation trophies and progressivism is bullshit. I’m embarrassed for my generation. So fucking entitled. To paraphrase Mark Twain, the world doesn't owe you shit, it was here first. Also, vast majority of wealthy people are 1st generation.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Eventually, when Al-Baghdadi and other top level ISIS commanders are found, be it by the SEALs or SAS, I hope whomever finds them has never heard of the Geneva Conventions

What if it's not though? What if she is an outlier? What if the majority of men, and the majority if women, truly do feel comfortable in their typical gender roles? Not because of cultural construct, but rather, millions of years of evolutionary psychology.

Dads want to do this with their sons too. Personally I gave that a big fuck no.

I heard they brought back a Ferguson Riots for a second season this week. Good move, it was much better than the spin off, Baltimore Riots. That just seemed like a really intense episode of The Wire

Honestly, they’re probably having a genuinely cordial conversation, because unlike the trolls of Gawker Media, they’re actually adults who can be friendly and pleasant despite political difference. Also odd how you’d celebrate the President’s use of drones. Seems the Left really is only anti-war when a Republican is

I know he’s not a Republican, but really, you’re not gonna go after Bernie Sanders? He makes these guys look like they just walked off the set of Extreme Makeover.

Here’s the deal. If you don’t want to play by a religion’s rules, don’t go to one of their schools. I’m agnostic, basically an atheist. I went to a Catholic university for reasons unrelated to it’s religious foundation, obviously. They didn’t sell condoms in the bookstore. Pretty sure their health plan didn’t cover

The reason white people never want to talk about race is exactly manifested in this documentary. Because it’s never a discussion. It’s a lecture, and if the white person at the receiving end does anything other than quietly listen, if he dares to dispute even one point, he’s accused of whitesplaining, being ignorant,