Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Reason 211 I'm glad I own a gun. Come and try to take my dog, you'll get one between the eyes. Don't care if I went to jail, my dog is like my child.
What shitty thing to say. Be a child and accuse Republicans of be racist, sexist, or whatever else you use to deflect from the fact that your ideology doesn't hold water in a real debate. But comparing people to dog abusers is too much.
Bingo. I also think the commenter “TexBoy,” nailed it. He's just some immaculated schlep trying to rationalize being a cuckold. This is the type of dude whose gonna snap and hurt himself or family eventually.
Should be called “It’s Me, Todd Kraines!”
This is probably a bit much. There’s a huge difference between not celebrating the Confederacy and trying to pretend it didn’t happen. This is approaching the latter.
Don Lemon asks difficult and uncomfortable questions, and gives both sides of the coin their due? What kind of fucking journalist is he?!?!?!
It’s sad that anyone would let issues of ideology or politics come between themselves and family or friends. But I’ve met people who’ve actually said they wouldn’t be friends with someone who didn’t hold their political beliefs. I find that so closed minded and pathetic. It amazes me how people can be so arrogant and…
You clearly hate men. You said it yourself, you find us intolerable and uninterested etc. That’s an issue. It was brought on by your shitty father. Yes, it’s entirely his fault, but it’s still your issue. Hating the opposite gender is not “fine,” as you put it. It’s an issue. It sounds like your father hates women. In…
“On Thursday night, an NRA board member manipulated the national tragedy at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church by turning the murders into an argument for his political gain, because this is America”
I completely agree with your criticism of this guy. He’s a total asshole. But how is this any different than…
These laws will only serve to make a few college guys really wealthy when they sue the shit out of a public school for wrongful expulsion. The laws as they're written are unenforcible and the preponderance of evidence standard instead of beyond a reasonable doubt is unconstitutional. Yes, even accused rapists are…
Something tells me they won’t be able to say this in the remake.
Or you could just not have a fucking child. Thanks to modern science, it's not that difficult or expensive to avoid reproducing. Fuck, despite what you're taught in health class, even pulling out is pretty effective. If you want to have a kid, then you take the bad with the good. That's kind of the nature of making…
Yeah. Nothing screams liberalism like forcing people to behave a certain wait, under threat of legal sanction.
When are people going to realize that liars like her, Dunhan, and Jackie from UVA are nearly as great of a threat to rape victims, as actual rapists themselves. It’s okay to question if someone is telling the truth about a crime. When a child is killed, the first thing the police do is check the parents. When…
I've had a one way, and a two way, never a three way.
We have about as much control over our erections as you ladies have over your periods. But thanks for the healthy dose of male sex shaming in this article. Not saying that doesn't happen to women all the time. Just saying, two wrongs don't make right, and this, and the man spreading bullshit is the kind of crap that…
I see people trying to bring up Dunham. I don’t like that approach because two wrongs don’t make a right. But if we’re going that route, how has no one brought up the Hollywood Left’s favorite child rapist, Roman Polanski? Bottom line is, diddling kids isn't a political issue, so stop wasting time making it one.…
This is not a recently coined term. This is a recently heard about term in the mainstream. The website totalfratmove.com, run by Grandex Inc. has been using it since it launched in I believe mid-2011.
She either doesn't understand how the court works, or she simply knows that most Americans don't. My guess is the latter. Court decisions are based largely on precedent. Therefore, this issue is settled law, much like Roe v Wade, DC v Heller, etc. the court doesn't overturn earlier court rulings. If they did, laws…