ChalupaBatwoman got a new work computer

men are 100% marginalized when it comes to child birth

Using the word “harvested” when they mean “shot” or, more appropriately, “killed” irritates the crap out of me. You harvest fruits and vegetables. You don’t harvest sentient beings for a throw rug in your living room.

OR they are over the age of 35 and just can’t let a sentence go without proper punctuation because they weren’t raised that way. Cher excepted because she has the soul of a teenager I suppose.

I’m in the “more good than harm” camp. Unless it’s some super champion show dog I don’t see breeders going this route when millions of dogs are perfectly capable of reproducing for free, as the OP rightly said. And even then, easy conception and delivery is something “good” breeders aim for so if a female couldn’t get

I hear wildlife conservation is pretty popular

So we shouldn’t study any form of IVF for non-humans because it might be misused? That strikes me as very anti-science. Like it or not, species are dying in droves, and we need to provide help if we’re to have any hope of preserving any biodiversity. Yes. We should focus on helping animals in their environment as

While I understand your passion, ethical breeders serve an essential service to many people. And tools which help them to continue to breed dogs for specific purpose driven traits are a good thing. Utility (SAR) and service organizations (guide dogs, mobility dogs, etc) have found it so close to impossible to pull

This isn’t really about dog breeding. This is about studying IVF in canids that are endangered all over the world. It just happens that dogs are much easier to source and experiment with.

You know how Big Genetic Dog is going to end up being though... you’ll ask for a direwolf and end up with a lion from a Chinese zoo.

Hmm...I have to say that I’m partial to old man dog names, like Howard and Oswald, but yours are so gosh darn charming that I guess they will do.

Miles keeping LA safe from his vantage point in the park.

Pixie is not leaving her bed.

My puppies!

Oh, for fuck's sake. Now people are just being ridiculous.

When I was around 11, I had a HUGE crush on Dan Aykroyd. Specifically, on Dan Aykroyd as the awkward mortician dad in My Girl. I spent a lot of time imagining that I was Jamie Lee Curtis’s character in that film. I tell people now and they don’t believe me.

Considering the amount of domestic violence accusations that occur, yes, this is a regular people problem.

Things said in divorce proceedings are rarely unbiased fact. It’s pretty common for aggrieved spouses to exaggerate or invent abuses in order to structure more advantageous settlements. I’m not saying Bill was a joy to live with-he was probably a huge pain in the ass- but surely that didn’t take Jennifer by surprise

So we’re supposed to give Murray the side eye forever because his ex wife made one claim during what were apparently extremely bitter divorce proceedings? What exactly is the end goal here? If you want to paint a picture of him as a real, flawed human being, that’s fine, but this just reads like “Someone alleged abuse

I am NOT a fan of spousal abuse but I am also not a fan of articles like this.