So, when Scalia died, all my friends were like, WHOO HOO! PARTY TIME IN AMERICA! I quietly said nothing, and although I agreed with the sentiment that the SCOTUS and country are better off without him anywhere near a position of power, I recognized that he was still a human person deserving of basic human dignity (we…
Is that so Fancy Bear staffer?
Chobani sought only just $10,000? That’s being veryyyyyyy generous. I would’ve guessed at least low six figures.
I know a girl who went on a date with him... that is not what he actually looks like. Apparently his online pics are several years old. She said he was super creepy and she had to block his number.
THIS. And WHY is no one pointing out that the reason she texted during the movie was exactly because it was her “safety call”?!?! “My friend needs me right away” is the single most classic way to get out of a date that’s getting weird and scary. Have all these people really led such sheltered lives that none of them…
I (somewhat) know Joe Alwyn (worked on a movie together). He’s exceptionally sweet and very adorable. Don’t think they met through their agents as they’re repped at different places, but I’m perfectly okay with them dating as he was an unwaveringly lovely person to be around when we were working together.
Drunken fuck-fest at a local pub while disguised as Tilda Swinton.
Video clip auditions. Minimal script, no personal details.
Yeah, it’s time we had that talk.
Math is elitist.
This is the world we live in now.
It’s (according to a friend) a well-respected blog. Dunno. I live in hope. IT’S ALL I HAVE.
less than $18 is the going rate for this man’s dignity.
my heart goes out to this woman, it may seem like a kooky odd story, until you realize how many women are killed by men who feel slighted/rejected. This pyscho is stalking her entire family, and suing her over the cost of a movie ticket. I’d seriously seek a…
If you were a woman on a date with a clearly unstable man, you would honestly concern yourself with how that man makes his way home? Moreso than your own personal safety?
No, she recognizes that coming out BEFORE an actual investigation means you lose all actual credibility.
True. 4 years of Smirky the Gay Conversion Magician is not the answer to our prayers. Not that we pray.
Fuck this guy.
I disagree. I think it’s in Democrats best interest to look like they’re being partisan and not put too much trust in Comey- *yet*.
*I really do hate it when people text in the movie theater though.