
A Venus Spice Trap

i was thinking chemical castration but i guess that’s just me

After this week I needed a happy ending so thanks Aimée!

Oh my god stop I’m getting aroused at the prospect.

He absolutely and truly does.

Quit your job!

Oh my god hold UP. Is that real? Like you’ve actually heard that before??

I have enough feelings about spanking or swatting young children as is, but infants should NEVER EVER receive corporal punishment. Blanket training is fucking abuse.

It makes me literally ill. It seems so fake and sad and desperate.

Highly doubt they are concerned with protecting victims judging by the way they all rallied around their piece of shit sexual predator relative.

Never trust a guy with hair like that. That goes for Trump and Kadyrov.

Rot in hell ya fuckin’ fuck!

DUDE have her email Aimée her story

In almost any scenario, Golden Girls probably did it better.

On one hand: ugh, why?

Alternatively: you could also do a day to day job drinking to the point of blacking out 2-3 times a week. Not all alcoholics drink daily.

So basically he’s going to continue being patently unfunny to appeal to about 30% of the country who also happen to be the most uneducated. Smart move. I give it another year before they replace him with someone who can pull ratings.

It makes me sad that Sofia Coppola told her to lose weight. Like give me a fucking break she has always been slender.

Fuck this stupid little bitch. You have to be a thunderous cunt to do something like this in addition to being a naive idiot to think that you could bounce back by saying you’re not ‘that type of person’. She did this because she is EXACTLY that type of person.