I hope you followed up with something equally shady to retort like ‘if you ever get married I hope you look nice too’
A really nice moisture wicking thing?
They have some beautiful dresses I was seriously eyeballing until my mom secured her place as the GOAT and offered to buy my dream dress.
that Katie girl overpaid because that dress was fucking hideous.
Also a good guess!
God the poor women who date either of these guys. Something tells me they won’t be dating any not-so-hot or even ugly women for much longer.
Probably Madeleine or Ellie would be my guess.
My very first thought also. Like a full half...
That is what I was thinking, like all religious holidays were subject to a holy roman game of roulette and that’s how we got them. But thank you for your calendar knowledge!
I appreciate the answer, that is actually super helpful. I don’t know how moons work! Or calendars!
K but did the first Easter even really take place in April? Was April a thing yet in the ancient days when people were nailed to crosses?
I still haven’t watched the last 15 minutes of the last episode. I can’t, I love Poussey too much :(
Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature dude
His transcripts read so poorly. Like can he construct a cohesive thought?
You should try to not fly with them when you can avoid it. I hear really bad things about Delta and American too. I avoid those three and try to stick to Alaska and Southwest, their track record is at minimum not completely abhorrent when it comes to customer service.
And you did it by using his past transgression against him which is a shitty thing to do.
Are you fucking kidding me? Yes you can, there is a website to look up doctors licenses. Takes like 2 minutes and most people wouldn’t lie about being a doctor.