
Thank god CA is finally legalizing it after next week. I’m going to be high 24/7

I know they are just kids too but I am on the same page. Fuck those kids forever.

The detail about not being able to hang the anti-bullying posters the day she died is especially sad.

I bet every earthly possession I own he’s supports a certain Cheeto-esque demagogue.

Is it mid-life when you’re 60-something?

I had a similar experience when my father was dying. I got on a train crying because he had essentially told me moments before that his terminal disease was approaching the end. People weren’t laughing but some were certainly staring at me with something other than kindness in their eyes and it made me want to spit at

Ugh, that is really sad. Hope your friend has all the love and support she needs.

Same haha

That was heartbreaking

So respect. Very president.

Right like, in his self deluded mind he probably thinks every woman wants to sleep with him but he’s so self aggrandizing he is unable to compute if they don’t. Consensual sex and non consensual sex probably look and feel exactly the same to him because he’s completely self centered.

Pretty ballsy to act like gods gift to women.

Some of the photos legit make me cry.

Dude I work for a non-profit that covers a wide range of early childhood and education and every department has done like a different event each day for their participants and their children. HALLOWEEN IS NEXT WEEK PPL.

Obama interacting with I really love him for a lot of reasons but seeing a guy with all that power who has such genuine interactions with children is just....dammit I’m gonna miss him!

I’m somewhat artsy but I’d have to draw a line at prosthetics and gore because I have never done those before :(

Omg I love that!

Anything. Right now I’m leaning heavily towards a calavera/ Dia de los Muertos face painting with a cute outfit since I don’t really have any money to buy anything but could probably afford face paint. Going to a party in LA with a bunch of film types.

So after getting roped into some last minute Halloween plans I need costume suggestions that cost relatively nothing. Ready, go!

I know the election won’t completely end the madness but at least hopefully things will cool off a bit. I am super over it.