Chalupa Batwoman

They are adorable (see my fur baby). But incredibly needy and immensely difficult to train!


This year she’s canceling three shows, because her doctor says she needs to lay down.

Why don’t they just remake Now and Then and give me the Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie I deserve?

Fage ‘til I die, but that’s awesome of the Chobani CEO.

There’s absolutely no call for comments like this. I edit my work—we all do—but the night moves quickly and sometimes there are slip-ups. Please use this space to engage kindly and thoughtfully.

She was making a show-biz joke about how the members of Kardashian empire will do anything to be on and stay on TV. It fell flat b/c Caitlyn didn’t transition in order to get a show. But still Bette, assumed people would know where she was coming from. She’s not anti-trans, she’s anti-no-talent reality whores.

Caitlyn is a piece of shit, but Jesus Christ Bette....

Yea I’m pretty sure that this was more what she meant. But nonetheless it’s a shitty joke and a stupid thing to write. I found that a lot of her tweets make me want to tell her to mind her own damn business.

Ugggggh, you do not get to fuck in the living room until it is in the home you share ONLY with the person you’re fucking! OFFSIDES.

Why did Sesame Street send out a blank tweet?

You know what, this week I legit crushed a man. Some guy wrote an paper attacking a paper I wrote, so I replied with a sternly worded letter to the journal’s editor. In it I crushed all his arguments, and let him know that I called a bunch of other scientists and they agree with me not him.

Seriously. I thought I was going to only use it when it got super hot. Anything over 75 now qualifies.

Crushing sounds like a lot of work. Can I just emasculate a man until he is forced to keep me cool?

I don’t want to get man tears on my expensive shoes. I shall sit on a man’s face instead.

Golden Girls FTW! And also pot and cream cheese and pretzels.

Number thirteen is disgusted he’s being crushed by such a basic pump. Can he at least get some Charlotte Olympia up in here?

I’ve posted this elsewhere, but this seems to be a good time and place to repost. My boyfriend, Jon Snow:

Nothing like a warm welcome to the commenters coming from Gawker!